4 ways to target customers without third-party cookies

Staying top-of-mind is always the goal of marketers, and many rely on third-party cookies to determine how, when and where to get ads in front of customers.
But as those once necessary cookies are being phased out, you don’t want to be left with just crumbs. Use these four tips for a well-rounded approach to measuring buyer behavior and targeting customers more precisely without third-party cookies.

4 ways to target customers and measure buyer behavior

1. Segment your audience

Separate your customer base into different sections based on different needs so you can target them with more precision. The number of segments will depend on the number of attributes you want to group them by, such as business size, industry served or equipment purchased.
If you want to grow your audience, use UCC-1 based data services like EDA or RigDig to identify businesses with attributes that resemble your segments.

2. Target prospects by location

Location-based targeting raises brand awareness, draws customers to your store and encourages purchases by serving ads to prospects within a predefined geographic area.
There are two ways to do this: geotargeting and geofencing.
Geotargeting is aimed at a specific type of customer within a general geographic radius, such as those within 20 miles of a brick-and-mortar location. Geofencing targets all buyers but with emphasis on a more precise location, such as a specific address.
Mary Martinez, director of marketing for Horizon, has seen great success with location-based marketing. Watch the highlight video from our recent R-Squared virtual event below (or on YouTube) to see just how she did it.


3. Focus on your most loyal customers

Send out a survey to your most loyal customers to learn what your company does that sets you apart from your competition and to gauge how you can continue to improve. By uncovering your greatest assets, you learn what gives you an edge over your competitors and what your audience values most.
You can also take an account-based marketing approach by targeting just your most high-value customers and prospects, perfectly tailoring each marketing campaign to their needs and interests.

4. Test and analyze your marketing campaigns

Continually monitor the results of your marketing campaigns. This way, you can tweak strategies to improve ROI or pivot to proven tactics in the future for greater optimization.
A/B testing is a great avenue for honing campaigns by comparing two versions of the same tactic — whether it is a newsletter, an ad or a piece of content. The difference can be as small as the background on product images or as significant as revised copy or different color scheme. 


Third-party ads won’t be around forever. At least, not in the way we know them today. Measure buyer behavior and precisely target customers by segmenting your audience, reviewing marketing campaigns, focusing on the customers already loyal to you and serving ads based on location.
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