The One Thing Recruiters Must Not Do!!! | Listening In with Seth

The ONE Thing Recruiters Must Not Do

Are you struggling to hire diesel techs? Maybe your team is making a very common mistake. Today on Listening In Seth will review a diesel tech recruiting call and highlight where it all went wrong. Watch the full episode to find out the one thing your recruiters absolutely must not do!

2 Calls – 1 Recruiter. Does a Year Make a Difference? (Part 2) | Listening In with Seth

2 Calls 1 Recruiter - Part 2

Last month we asked the question, are you any better at your job today than you were a year ago? Seth was joined by special guest, Scott Maldonado, as they began listening to the first of two driver recruiting calls by the same recruiter, recorded about a year apart. Today, we listen to the second call and see if that recruiter has improved at all over that one-year period.

2 Calls – 1 Recruiter. Does a Year Make a Difference? (Part 1) | Listening In with Seth

Seth and Scott listen to two calls taken by the same recruiter a year apart.

Seth is joined by Scott Maldonado to listen to not one, but two calls. Together they’ll listen to how the same recruiter handles two different calls about a year apart. Does the year really make a difference in the recruiter’s performance or the outcome of the call? Has the recruiter improved in any way? Or … are they just going through the motions? Watch to find out what the guys have to say.

Experienced Diesel Techs Are Extremely Valuable. Does This Recruiter Make the Most of the Call? | Listening in with Seth

how much experience did you say?

On a scale of 1 to 100, the recruiting difficulty for scoring an experienced diesel technician ranks a 99. That means every call that recruiters field with diesel techs, particularly veteran techs is very important. On today’s episode, Seth listens in to a call between a recruiter (we think … he never clarifies – strike 1) and a technician with over 20 years of experience.

Diesel Tech Calling | Listening In

HR talks with diesel tech

On today’s episode we switch things up just a bit. Today, instead of focusing on a typical driver recruiting call, Seth listens in on a self-taught diesel mechanic’s conversation with a fleet HR representative.

Mrs. Fezziwig, is That You? | Listening In with Seth

listening in with special guest stuart chant

Today on Listening In On today’s episode, Seth is joined by his colleague, Senior Sales Consultant at Outsell Consulting, Stuart Chant. Together they dig into a brand new call and talk about how they think the call went, as well as give their thoughts on how it could have been better. Special Guest: Stuart Chant […]