How to Use a White Paper to Attract Drivers to Your Fleet

Your goal—to attract qualified, safe drivers—is one shared by every fleet owner. How can you stand out from the pack? One way is to use an informative, lively, downloadable white paper to attract the type of driver you’d like to hire and to generate valuable leads your team can pursue. If a trucker takes the time to download a white paper specifically targeted to your company’s benefits, you have a hot prospect complete with contact information.

Here are 7 key elements of an effective white paper

1. Location, Location, Location

You want to place your white paper on a digital property where your target audience hangs out. This location should include breaking news and credible, curated trucking information geared toward the trucking life. Look for original, high-quality content across a broad range of topics including equipment, regulations, products and lifestyle. Look for brands with strong social media followings, mobile-friendly platforms, and targeted special events.
Truckers and White Papers

2. Judge by the Cover

You can capture eyeballs by the title alone. The challenge is to grab the driver’s attention and pull him from his noisy social media choices.  It’s mandatory for the writer to climb inside the head of your potential hire and give him a compelling reason to download your paper. Titles with numbers, lists, myths & misconceptions, Q&A’s that offer solutions to problems, are the most popular.

3. Make It Easy

Typical white papers are six to eight pages long, easily downloadable without space gobbling graphics or photographs. The format usually includes an offer to receive your “free PDF,” or “free white paper,” in exchange for an email address and an occupation classification. The key is to make the exchange as painless as possible. The white paper is then immediately sent to the prospect’s inbox where he can read and share, save, or print.

4. Make It Valuable

Connecting with your prospect takes more than a graphically pleasing product. The content has to be valuable to the reader and reflect a laser sharp understanding of the life, business and equipment of a truck driver. It can’t be so basic it insults their intelligence nor so technical they feel frustrated by the complexity of the information.

5. Make It Entertaining

Information that’s packaged in a lively way is more likely to be shared on social networks. There is a lot of competition for your prospects’ attention. The white paper gives a carefully curated view of a topic of vital interest to the trucker’s business or lifestyle. The information should focus on solving the prospects’ problems. Remember, this is a soft sell and your company’s name should be downplayed.

6. Promoting the White Paper

Every detail about the white paper is carefully designed to drive traffic and compel downloads. Create intriguing but direct subject lines for the email promotion and clear summary descriptions to attract readers. Leads begin with the first click and culminate in the final download.

7. Choosing the Topic

The high caliber driver you want to attract will be more likely to download topics on safety, fuel savings, CSA compliance, regulations and advocacy.  You can narrow the field by offering subjects more likely to attract team drivers, minorities, new drivers or retirees.