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How to Stay on Top of the Shrinking Driver Pool

Drivers Wanted ad

This year, a concern has been raised in the driver recruiting world and it’s bringing up very specific questions, many of which we’ve heard from our clients. Why is cost-per-hire going up? Why is cost-per-lead more? Why is the number of hires going down though there’s been no change in yearly/monthly budget? It would be […]

What is the Right Number of Recruiters for Your Fleet?

What is the Right Number for Your Fleet

What is the right number of driver recruiters? Is there such a thing? Fleets struggle everyday with this question. We all know that the truckers themselves are the lifeblood of the trucking and freight industry, but without recruiters…how do you get those drivers? Driver recruiters are a vital part of the equation. No fleet wants […]

Driver Recruiting: Quantity vs. Quality of Leads

Quantity vs. Quality of Leads

What numbers matter most to you when it comes to your truck driver recruiting? Everyone is scrambling to get an edge on the competition. Generating driver leads is a major part of that. But, when you look at all of your recruiting data and the breakdown of your numbers, what is your primary focus? For […]

Is Your Social Media Advertising Reaching Drivers?

Reaching Drivers with Social Media

The list of social media platforms is constantly growing. The popularity and usage of each platform on that list is constantly growing. The number of drivers who fit your hiring criteria who happen to be using each platform on that list is constantly . . .you get the idea. This constant growth creates endless opportunities […]

Are Your Driver Recruiters Missing Opportunities?

Recruiting Warm Transfers

Fleets are constantly looking for ways to garner new quality leads. No matter how successful fleets are at acquiring leads, what they do with those leads and how they handle them is really important. How are your leads being handled by recruiters? In previous articles we’ve discussed some areas that recruiters constantly struggle with. For […]

Are Your Numbers Lying to You?


There are many options available to fleets and their recruiting partners when it comes to how they approach their recruiting efforts. There are many viable options and approaches available. With so many possibilities out there, how can you get the most for your money? Some have become fixated on numbers such as cost per lead […]

Don’t Let Inefficiency Kill Your Recruiting


The competition between fleets over qualified drivers can be fierce. Fleets have tried everything from sign-on bonuses, higher pay rates, and even more time off the road to try and entice prospective drivers and gain a competitive edge. Over the past few months we’ve looked at a few possible solutions recruiters could embrace to secure […]

Four Common Recruiting Mistakes We See

Trouble recruiting drivers? We can help you recruit truck drivers the right way.

We work with a broad array of clients to help them generate more driver leads. We helped drive more than 1 million leads last year, in fact.   Working with so many clients gives us unique insight into the world of truck driver recruiting. We see it all! We see what strategies work, and we […]

Getting Recruiting and Marketing In the Same Boat, On the Same Page

Connecting Recruiting and Marketing

In terms of day to day function, recruiting and marketing might seem, at best, like distant cousins. You have your recruiters over here doing their thing, working the phones, poring over apps and trying to get drivers in the door. Meanwhile in the other silo office quadrant, your marketers are busy building brands and blasting […]

Want to Attract More Drivers? Get Driver-Centric

Driver-Centric Image - We Love Our Drivers!

Drive past any company truck on the interstate and you’re likely to see some variation of DRIVERS WANTED. Most trucks also feature a platitude like ‘We Love Our Drivers,’ which apparently is supposed to make drivers want to do a Jason Bourne-style leap from their current rig into the truck with the reassuring language on […]