How Has the Coronavirus Changed Driver Recruiting?

How Has Coronavirus Changed Driver Recruiting - Scott Maldonado Interview

[acf field=”embed_code_2″] [acf field=”embed_code”] The outbreak of coronavirus has impacted almost every aspect of our lives. It seems no business or industry has been left untouched. Driver recruiting is no exception. For this week’s Randall-Reilly Review I sat down to talk with Randall-Reilly’s VP of Trucking Operations, Scott Maldonado. Scott works with fleets all over […]

The Impact of the Coronavirus on Trucking’s Owner-Operators

The Impact from Coronavirus on Owner-Operators

[acf field=”embed_code_2″][acf field=”embed_code”]Over the past few weeks, we’ve taken a look at how the coronavirus pandemic has impacted the trucking industry both at the fleet and driver level. This week we focus again on the driver impact, but more specifically on how the current situation affects trucking’s owner-operators. Overdrive Senior Editor, Todd Dills, sits down […]

Truckers and Coronavirus: A Conversation with David Hollis

How has Coronavirus Impacted Truck Drivers?

[acf field=”embed_code”] [acf field=”embed_code_2″] For this week’s Randall-Reilly Review video, we sit down and have an in-depth conversation with Truckers News and She Drives Trucks editor, David Hollis. We talk about how drivers are responding, how the business has adapted, a few positive stories, and everything in between!

Coming Together in the Fight Against Coronavirus


[acf field=”embed_code”] I don’t know about you, but I’m a little tired of bad news. Our truck drivers are out there on the front lines keeping supply lines open and the country afloat. That in and of itself is pretty great news. No matter what pops up our men and women are out there delivering […]

We Will Beat Coronavirus. #TogetherWeTruck

trucking through the coronavirus

[acf field=”embed_code”] When it comes to the coronavirus, remember one thing … you’re not alone. We’re all in this together. In the spirit of cooperation and togetherness, we’d like to ask for your help. Can you let us know how you’ve changed your recruiting to help us compile best practices during the coronavirus pandemic? We […]

Coronavirus: A Conversation with CCJ’s Jason Cannon

How has Coronavirus Changed What Trucking Fleets Do?

[acf field=”embed_code_2″] [acf field=”embed_code”] The coronavirus pandemic has had a wide-reaching impact not only here in the United States but across the globe. The trucking industry, however, continues to roll on. But how have things changed since this whole thing began? Today, I sit down and have a conversation with CCJ editor, Jason Cannon, to […]

Coronavirus is Here and We Need Our Truckers More Than Ever

Truckers will Help Us Beat Coronavirus

[acf field=”embed_code”] We often forget just how fragile we humans are. In today’s modern age, widespread epidemics seem like a thing of the past. Especially in places like here in the United States. Modern vaccines and antibiotics have helped us stave off deadly viruses and illnesses that would have once ravaged us. That is…until coronavirus. […]

How Do You Know if Your Driver Recruiting Campaigns Are Working?

Are Your Driver Recruiting Campaigns Really Working?

[acf field=”embed_code”] You put a lot of time, effort, and money into your driver recruiting campaigns. So, how do you know if your campaigns are actually working and your spend is being put to good use? It all starts with data. Randall-Reilly has developed two tools, Campaign Hub and Lead Match, designed to give you […]

Mistakes Your Driver Recruiters Need to Avoid (Part 3)

Make Sure Your Recruiters Avoid these Mistakes

To get the most out of your driver recruiting you need to know what kind of pitfalls to avoid. That’s exactly what we’ve been going over for the past few weeks. Today we wrap up our series with Mistakes Your Driver Recruiters Need to Avoid (Part 3). Listen to the Audio Version Watch Parts 1 […]

Mistakes Your Driver Recruiters Need to Avoid (Part 2)

More Mistakes Driver Recruiters Should Avoid

Today we continue our Randall-Reilly Review video series covering some common mistakes your driver recruiters need to avoid. Being well-informed and knowing what NOT to do can help your recruiters better utilize their time and make the most of their recruiting conversations. Miss part one? No problem! You can check it out at any time […]