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TA Tech

Our talent acquisition tools provide visibility into your talent pipeline, enabling fast, strategic decisions. From tracking applicants, to automated nurturing, our technology empowers growth.

Simplify your talent pipeline with actionable tools that provide granular and actionable insights.

Our Talent Intelligence platform is built on technology and expertise and fueled by rich, proprietary data on your talent markets. Imagine the possibilities for growth when you have access to competitive intelligence, talent supply and demand, and granular campaign performance.

We’ve worked closely with our client partners for many years to tailor our technology into bespoke solutions. Our tech is  specifically built for challenging talent markets. With shortages in professional drivers, diesel mechanics and technicians, warehouse workers and more, our tools enable clients to attract and engage qualified talent in specific locations.

Simplify your recruiting.

Technology should simplify your talent acquisition, not make it more complicated. Stratas combines 3 modules to streamline your recruiting and make it easier to hire better and grow your business.

Stratas Strategize


for smart growth

Get market, applicant, & competitive insights by location and role.

Stratas Reach Icon


the right talent

Manage and standardize your jobs while automating your job website.

Stratas Analyze Icon


your results

Easily see your leads, calls, and hires and what’s driving them.

The Strategize module of StratasTM empowers your recruiting with competitive insights, driver and diesel technician market insights, and campaign trends and benchmarks.

With Strategize, you can create a plan for growth and efficiency built on the exact data for your market. Discover what pay and benefits will be competitive, how much your lead and hire costs will be, and the populations within a given area.

More role types coming soon!


Gain insight into the competition for diesel technicians and drivers by seeing how many job postings are in your area. Discover how competition has changed over time and competitiveness.

Cost Per Lead Trends

Gauge the appropriate budget needed to hire the drivers and technicians you need through cost per lead trends. See the average lead costs for by role type in your hiring area.

Applicant Availability

Utilize heat maps and population reports to determine the driver and technician pools in your hiring areas. Set realistic goals for hiring and find the routes and regions with the most opportunity.

Pay and Benefit Analysis

Compare the advertised pay and benefits of fleets in your area. Clearly see if your offerings are competitive and understand where your competitive edge with candidates.

The Reach module of Stratas makes managing your job posts simple.

You can add custom fields for pay, home time, benefits and more to keep your jobs consistent and organized. You can also group your jobs for internal management and overwrite your boilerplate information. Reach automatically generates a searchable, tracked, and branded job board that integrates with your website.

Campaign automation coming soon!

Location Management

When you create your jobs, you can add locations to them by radius, state, or searching for a location. All locations are converted to zip codes when they’re ready to be posted on job boards to make sure you’re showing up in the right locations.

Branded, Searchable Website

Seamlessly integrate with your website with a searchable, branded place to see all the jobs you have open. It’s branded to match your website, hosted on your domain, and it’s tracked so you can see where your hires are coming from.

Standardization Tools

You don’t want to copy and paste your boilerplate information. Reach does that for you. But you can customize your boilerplate by job group so that as you create a new job, you select from the pre-set options for home time, pay, benefits, and more.

Automatic XML Feeds

Create XML feeds automatically for your jobs by job group. These feeds integrate with Randall Reilly’s recruiting campaign programs so your jobs can be distributed to all major job boards.

The Analyze module of Stratas compiles all the data of your recruiting efforts in one platform.

You can create custom reports, check on campaign results daily, track your cost-per-hire over time, and clearly see where your hires are coming from. The lead match tool lets you attribute leads to specific strategies and platforms within your campaigns.

Automated Call Disposition Report coming soon!

Daily Performance Updates

The Stratas reporting module allows you to see how your campaigns are performing down to the hire rate and cost per hire. See how performance trends over time and how we optimize to reach your goals.

Insights into Actual Hires

We track the performance of your campaigns down to the drivers you hire. Simply provide us with a list of your hires, and we will match them to your leads to show you hire ratios by lead source and lead type, so you can leverage your strengths.

Phone Call
Recordings & Data

With phone calls being the preferred way many candidates want to be contacted, you need to track where your calls are coming from and how they’re being answered by your recruiters. We track every completed and missed phone call, and you can even listen to the call recordings.

Creative Asset Management

Your creative plays a big role in how your campaign performs. Stratas Analyze allows you to see which creative is active on each multi-channel component of your campaign (including your custom landing page) and how it’s performing so you can make the right design decisions.

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