Construction Industry Marketing

It wasn’t too long ago that construction dealer marketing meant placing an ad in the yellow pages and hanging flags during an open house. Today, the vast number of tactics and channels are staggering, if not a little overwhelming. The good news: all these new marketing outlets have leveled the playing field, making it much […]

5 Essential Statistics for Recruiting More Owner-Operators

Event Marketing

Surveys estimate there are a third fewer owner-operators on the road right now than there were in 2008. But of course the shortage is just the beginning of your problems. We have compiled the 5 most important statistics from the 2014 Overdrive Connectivity Study to help you recruit owner-operators. [hr style=”3″ margin=”40px 0px 40px 0px”] […]

Part 1 of 3: Stats About Company Drivers Every Recruiter Needs to Know

Hopefully you have already downloaded the 2014 Company Driver Connectivity Study and read it thoroughly. If you haven’t, go ahead and do that. Its fine. I’ll wait…. You’re back? Great! So now you have all of this knowledge about how company drivers consume content, use the internet, and look for jobs. The next step is […]

Marketing to Owner-Operators: Print Advertising Tops the List

Marketing is a science, one which requires almost continuous research, data, and experimentation to be successful. The goal of this scientific marketing research is to find the best ways to consistently connect, engage, and convert your audience. It can be difficult, but it’s also very rewarding to accomplish your specific campaign wins. If you’re trying to […]

3 Creative Ways to Recruit More Student Drivers

According to the American Trucking Association’s Benchmarking Guide for Driver Recruitment and Retention, retirement is the leading cause for drivers leaving the workforce. An estimated 37% of new drivers entering the workforce are replacing those retiring, limiting potential growth in the pool of available drivers. In response, many fleets have placed an emphasis on hiring […]

Getting Back to Basics: Truck Stop Strategy

My grandfather was an owner-operator, actually the first to ever lease onto Comtrak Logistics (now Hub Group Trucking). When I was young, he would run regional routes from our little town in northwest Alabama to Birmingham, Memphis, and a few other cities never more than a few hours away. Every day he and a couple […]

3 Ways to Use Content Marketing to Recruit More Drivers

Driver recruiters, you are awesome. For about a decade, you have had to fight and scrape to keep your fleets fully staffed, despite driver turnover hitting between 70 to 120% and shrinking budgets. But that doesn’t mean you can relax. The industry outlook isn’t improving. That means you need to find new, more effective ways […]

Why is Driver Recruiting So Expensive?

As the driver shortage continues to increase the demand for highly qualified drivers, fleet owners are focused on how recruiting is affecting their bottom lines. That means that driver recruiters have to find ways to make their recruiting efforts more effective. However, with driver turnover hitting around 96% last year, recruiters are forced to hire […]

5 Key Takeaways From the 2014 Company Driver Connectivity Report

For most fleets, the bulk of your driver employees are probably made up of company drivers and not owner-operators. Not only are there more company drivers, but they are also much easier to recruit than their truck owning counterparts. Just knowing you need to recruit company drivers is not enough. Research can provide you with […]

3 Tips for Recruiting the Right Driver

We talk a lot about how hiring drivers can be difficult. It’s high stress, and your limited resources are strained. But don’t let that discourage you, because you are in a really good position to create campaigns to generate the applications you need. Let me explain. You know a lot more about your recruiting needs […]