3 Vital Steps to Recruiting Student Drivers

If you are a driver recruiter, you don’t need a break down of the national driver shortage. There are simply more jobs then there are drivers to fill them. One obvious solution to this problem is to get more people to choose to drive for a living. This is an area where fleets and driving […]
3 Ways to Find a Driver Recruiting Event to Sponsor

Events can be a great opportunity to get face-to-face with drivers looking for new positions. However, that doesn’t mean your recruiters should attend every event. Making sure you have chosen the correct event to sponsor is key to boosting your recruiting. If you understand your fleet’s recruiting nuances, you can determine what is important for […]
Driver Recruiting for Your Terminals: An Interview with Geno Dykes
Coming from a journalism background, I have always enjoyed interviewing people. Interviews provide a great opportunity to enlighten both the reader and myself. Not only do interviews enhance an article with real, expert insights, but I have always been able to leave with a much deeper knowledge of the subject matter. Unfortunately, I haven’t been […]
Make Social Count: Facebook for Driver Recruiters
I can’t tell you that there is a miracle channel that will immediately deliver all of the driver applications you could have ever dreamed of with a low cost-per-hire. However, Facebook offers unique opportunities to attract the right drivers for your fleet. Let’s take a look at the different paid advertising on Facebook that can […]
Driver Recruiting for the Win: Generating Phone Calls
Each driver recruiting campaign is like a puzzle. For your recruiting campaigns, you have to utilize all the pieces (and put them in the correct spot) so everything you do can generate the right amount of hires. Every driver recruiting campaign is designed to get the almighty application, but the methods of generating leads differ. […]
3 Ways Driver Recruiters Can Lower Their Cost Per Hire

Driver recruiters have a difficult job. Besides the obvious pressure that comes with increasing turnover and the ever shrinking pool of available drivers, there is also the constant barrage of numbers. Every campaign has click-through-rates, submission rates, hire rates, and retention rates. Even a medium-sized fleet might be trying to recruit drivers through a plethora […]
3 Things Your Fleet Can Do To Retain More Truck Drivers
If you are a regular reader of this blog, you know we have lots of tips to help you recruit more truck drivers. But if your fleet is struggling to recruit, it is probably because you are struggling to retain good drivers. There are a plethora of tactics you can use to retain more of […]
3 Metrics Every Driver Recruiter Should Track

As a driver recruiter, it is your job to figure out how to create the most effective campaigns possible to ensure that your fleet can survive the driver shortage. Fortunately, you can track recruiting metrics to figure out exactly what is working, and then use that information to improve your campaigns moving forward. By constantly […]
The 3 Biggest Mistakes Driver Recruiters Make

Although we often compare driver recruiters to marketers, one of the key differences is that very few marketers operate under the same pressure as the average driver recruiter. Fleets lose hundreds or thousands of dollars every day that a truck sits idle. Commitments to customers have to be kept, and upper management gets a little […]
3 Best Practices for Using Video to Recruit Drivers

Content is an important part of driver recruiting because it is the best way for drivers to engage with you. YouTube is a great vehicle for delivering your content to drivers. It provides a highly visible place to host your videos that will work across almost any type of device. However, you have to be […]