4 Ways to Recruit Drivers at Truck Stops


The concept isn’t complicated. Where can you find truck drivers? I bet you’ll find a few at truck stops. That seems logical. But sarcasm aside, it isn’t quite that simple, is it? Yours and every other fleet needs to get in front of the same drivers. There are so many ways to reach drivers at […]

Why Is It So Difficult to Recruit Owner-Operators?

Recruiting Owner Operators

If your fleet is just now getting into recruiting owner-operators, or if you have been doing it for years there is a special challenge when it comes to getting these drivers on board and keeping them there. Some surveys estimate that there are a third fewer owner-operators on the road right now than there were […]

Are Driver Recruiters Really Marketers?

Recruiters Are Marketers

Yes. I’m glad we cleared that up. Many of you have probably read 3 Marketing Principals to Help you Recruit Truck Drivers. But there aren’t just 3 marketing principals that can help you be a better driver recruiter. If you are a recruiter, you are a marketer. Hopefully this revelation doesn’t worry you because it is […]

The 3 Biggest Challenges Facing Driver Recruiters

Biggest Challenges Facing Drive Recruiters

If you recruit truck drivers for a living, you probably already have a list of the biggest challenges you face very day. You might have budgetary constraints, disagreements with management about processes or even conflicts with coworkers. But there are a few challenges that face every recruiter everywhere. Overcoming these challenges isn’t easy, but for […]

3 Unique Ways to Recruit Truck Drivers

3 Unique Ways to Recruit Truck Drivers

Recruiting qualified truck drivers is a zero-sum game. There is a limited pool of good candidates for the driving positions your fleet needs to fill. Every time one of your competitors hires one of those drivers, the pool gets smaller, and it gets that much more difficult for your fleet to hire the drivers it […]

Getting Back to Basics: Banner Display for Driver Recruiting 101

Marketing Chalkboard

There was a time when figuring out the whole copy/paste thing on a computer was a big deal to me. Now that I have some knowledge about digital advertising, I often forget where I used to be. It is very easy to forget that not everyone knows what CPC means or what a display network […]

5 Ways To Show Drivers Love

the love-o-meter

While the legend of St. Valentine is debated among historians and The Catholic Church acknowledges 3 different saints named Valentine or Valentinus, there is one consistent story detail: Each of them ended in a martyred death. Their heroic journeys, not limited to the ides of February, were rooted around curing other’s suffering, solving injustice through […]

8 Things An Integrated Driver Recruiting Campaign Must Have

Driver Recruiting

What does your typical truck driver look like? If you’re honest, there really isn’t a professional driving type. The demographic varies greatly between age, gender, and experience. This variance in demographic must be considered when crafting your recruiting strategies. Another aspect to consider is how many impressions are needed before a driver is willing to […]

How to Tell if You Are Spending Too Much Recruiting Truck Drivers


There is no need to spend a lot of time talking about the ever-worsening nationwide driver shortage. Recruiters deal with it every day. But the worst part of it isn’t just how difficult it is to find the drivers you need. When you do manage to find a qualified driver, the chances of them sticking […]

This ain’t your grandpa’s recruiting.

how grandpa recruited

The trucking industry is less than 100 years old, but it has seen a lot of change in its short lifetime, with much of the change coming from shifts in technology (it surprised me to learn that some of the first commercial trucks were originally electric vehicles) or public policy. But one thing that hasn’t […]