Flipping the Recruiting Funnel – Introduction

Chalkboard drawing of leads going into a business funnel and coming out as money

We’ve talked about the similarities between marketing and recruiting truck drivers a few times here. The articles, 3 Ways to Improve Your Recruiting with Marketing Principles and Content Marketing is the Secret Weapon for Effective Recruiting, are two such articles that delve into how taking basic marketing strategies and applying them to your recruiting can […]

A Comprehensive Look at Retargeting for Recruiting

Recruiting with Retargeting

The average conversion rate for websites is slightly over 2%. So only about 2% of website visitors convert when they visit websites. Through the results of our recruiting lead generation efforts, we’ve found the percentage is a little higher for drivers. 10-15% of drivers convert. Though that percentage is better than the general conversion rate, […]

Is Data the Missing Piece of Your Recruiting Strategy?

Understanding Lead Velocity

Being able to effectively gather, analyze, and use data is a crucial part of operating a successful recruiting campaign. Raw numbers tell you part of the story, but to truly achieve maximum potential with any campaign it’s necessary to dig deeper into the plethora of data available. No matter how you go about analyzing this […]

How Smart Rhino Labs Strengthens Randall-Reilly


Recently, Randall-Reilly announced the acquisition of Smart Rhino Labs. Growth is generally viewed as a good thing, and with an established data source such as Randall-Reilly bringing Smart Rhino Labs into the fold it can only mean good things for current and future clients right? [hr style=”3″ margin=”40px 0px 40px 0px”] Who is Smart Rhino […]

Your Fleet’s Reputation Matters

Your Fleet Reputation Matters

What kind of reputation does your fleet have? Perhaps the more important question would be, what kind of reputation does your fleet have with drivers? Drivers’ opinions are important and can really impact the effectiveness of your recruiting. The one group of people you cannot afford to have a bad rep with is . . […]

Successful Recruiting at Trade Shows

Recruiting at Trade Shows

Trade shows provide a unique chance to meet and interact with drivers. Being able to have personal interactions with the very people you are pursuing is not something to take for granted. Some, however, still find it difficult to take advantage of the recruiting opportunities these trade shows and events have to offer. Regardless of […]

Tell Stories and Win Drivers

Driver Recruiting with Content Marketing

Once upon a time . . .   Do you already feel drawn in? Are your levels of concentration increased? Science would say so. Storytelling is our primary method of communication. In fact, 65% of our communication is made up of personal stories and gossip. We remember what we hear when it’s told in story […]

Does Your Fleet Embrace a Driver-Centric Culture?

Driver-Centric Culture

A company’s culture defines who they are. The same thing applies to your fleet. Your values and goals say a lot about your company and what you stand for. I’ve talked about how important company culture is to marketers before in the article, Your Company Identity and Culture Can be the Key to Success. While […]

Get the Drivers You Need with Goal-Oriented Recruiting Campaigns

Goal-Oriented Recruiting

How does your recruiting measure up? Your aim is to reach the right drivers with your messaging, and hopefully persuade them to drive for you, not the competition. That’s why setting real, tangible goals for your campaigns is so vital. Having a clear goal to strive for can help guide your efforts. Goal-oriented campaigns allow […]

6 Tips for Connecting with Drivers on Mobile

Connecting with Drivers on Mobile

In the not-too-distant past, there would have been a need to devote this first paragraph to proving the prevalence of mobile phones. But these days, you can see for yourself. Smartphones have gone from being a luxury to a necessity for the general public. 77% of Americans are smartphone owners. And that percentage includes drivers. […]