Listening in with Seth – Episode 4

Our man Seth is back in the hot seat and listening to another driver recruiting call. This month’s call features a driver calling in to ask a fleet about their lease-to-purchase options. Straight forward enough right? The only snag is he already owns his truck. So, how does the recruiter handle this and, what happens with the rest of the call? Watch the full video to find out.
Listening in with Seth – Episode 3

What happens when a driver only interested in driving flatbed calls a carrier who doesn’t run flatbed? Watch the episode and find out! Seth is back to listen in on another recruiting call and give his thoughts on the strengths and weaknesses. What are the big takeaways? Click that play button and see for yourself!
Listening in with Seth – Episode 2

Seth Becker is back to listen in on another recruiting call. Remember, this is REAL call between a prospective driver and a fleet’s driver recruiter. The voices and names have been altered, but the conversation itself actually transpired. Sit down with Seth as he gives his thoughts on what the recruiter did right, as well […]
Listening in with Seth: Episode 1

What happens on a typical driver recruiting call for your fleet? Do you know? It may not be exactly what you had in mind. The best way to find out the answers and to improve on your recruiting is to listen in from time to time. That’s exactly what we’re going to do today. Our […]