Job Match Leads: Your Fleet’s Secret Weapon?

In ages past, truck drivers looking for a new job had to go from fleet to fleet with an application in hand. Or use the telephone . . . I mean, whichever. Either way it was a little more intensive than it is now. Drivers don’t have to call up or visit fleets to find […]
Opinion: General Trends Don’t Tell the Whole Story

General trends are the worst. While they seem to tell you everything you need to know, they actually tell you very little. But that’s counterintuitive, right? How can a general trend tell you nothing? It’s simple. A trend tells you general information about larger populations and industries. As a trucking industry professional, you don’t need […]
Why Is It So Difficult to Recruit Owner-Operators?

If your fleet is just now getting into recruiting owner-operators, or if you have been doing it for years there is a special challenge when it comes to getting these drivers on board and keeping them there. Some surveys estimate that there are a third fewer owner-operators on the road right now than there were […]