Digging Deeper into Driver Recruiting with Dave | “Speed > Cost-per-Lead: The Race to Fill Trucks”

Speed is Greater than Cost-Per-Lead

It seems like every week we see a new freight record being set. Fleets are struggling to keep up with the insane demand right now, which translates into a constant and urgent need for drivers. The problem is too many fleets are stuck in the old mindset of trying to find the cheapest leads. In our current situation, every day you wait around searching for those cheaper leads is another day your truck sits idle and you miss out on moving valuable freight!

Speed > Cost-per-Lead: The Race to Fill Trucks | Digging Deeper

Speed is Greater than Cost-Per-Lead

It seems like every week we see a new freight record being set. Fleets are struggling to keep up with the insane demand right now, which translates into a constant and urgent need for drivers. The problem is too many fleets are stuck in the old mindset of trying to find the cheapest leads. In our current situation, every day you wait around searching for those cheaper leads is another day your truck sits idle and you miss out on moving valuable freight!

How to Talk About Your Recruiting Budget

Know how to get the recruiting budget you need

Listen to the article: [acf field=”embed_code”] Unless your fleet has zero turnover and no plans to grow, odds are you have to spend some money recruiting truck drivers. Which means you probably have a budget with which to recruit said truck drivers. And unless you own the fleet, you probably have to ask for that […]

How to Benchmark Your Online Truck Driver Recruiting Advertising

Benchmark Your Driver Recruiting Advertising

Listen to the article: [acf field=”embed_code”] When it comes to advertising online, it can be difficult to tell if your efforts are really working. You get this report from your vendor that shows all these results and metrics, but it can be hard to determine which of these results truly indicate success. It leaves you […]

What Really Affects Your Cost-Per-Hire?

What Really Affects Your Cost-Per-Hire?

Listen to the article: [acf field=”embed_code”] When you are trying to increase the efficiency of your recruiting strategy, it makes sense to get as much out of your recruiting budget as possible. So one of every fleet’s main goals is to hire as many drivers as possible at minimal cost. This makes the metric of […]

Why Is My Cost-Per-Lead Going Up?

owner operators

You’re sitting at your desk one day, looking through a stack of reports, when you see it. You stop. Your eyes widen. It’s an overview of your advertising spend, and your cost-per-lead has tripled! What happened? You have to answer the question now. Frantically you get on the phone with your different advertising and media […]