Driver Recruiting: What NOT to Do (Part 3)

Big Red Rig

In the previous weeks, we have covered some areas and issues that give recruiters trouble based on interactions and conversations with various managers and recruiting staff over the years. Today we look at more of what NOT to do with your truck driver recruiting. If you missed either of the previous two installments, they can […]

Driver Recruiting: What NOT to Do (Part 2)

Driver Recruiting

Last week I covered some common problems recruiters run into when pursuing prospects. Knowing what approaches continually fail and what NOT to do can help guide your team to a more effective strategy. Continuing with that line of thinking, here are some more examples of what you and your recruiters should avoid. The first entry […]

Driver Recruiting: What NOT to Do (Part 1)

What Not to Do

The competition among fleets trying to find and secure qualified drivers is a constant ongoing struggle. With a shortage of drivers currently upon us and freight demand on the rise, it doesn’t look like that’s going to change any time soon. With that in mind, it’s important to make that driver recruiters are effective as […]

The 2 Pronged Approach to Recruiting Diesel Techs

Diesel Engine Blueprint

We all know fleets are hurting for drivers right now, but there is another area that fleets are struggling with as well. As important as it is to find drivers to man the trucks and keep them moving, it’s just as important to have qualified diesel techs to maintain those trucks. With increased competition from […]

4 Effective Recruiting Methods You May be Underutilizing

4 Effective Recruiting Methods

Recruiting truck drivers is a constant struggle. The demand for drivers still outweighs the current supply. Today’s fleet numbers are constantly in flux, almost continuously gaining and losing drivers. To be successful, companies and their recruiting partners must have an effective recruiting strategy. There are many ways to approach recruiting and it’s very easy to […]

Could Women be the Answer to the Driver Shortage?

Are Women Drivers the Answer_

Everyone is well aware of the current driver shortage the trucking industry is facing. The problem could be on the verge of getting even worse. The amount of freight shipped in the United States is growing by leaps and bounds. It is now estimated that the country will need 96,000 new drivers per year to […]

What Does UberFreight Mean for Driver Recruiting?

Uber App

Over the last several years an interesting business model has emerged. On-demand services of every kind have sprung up and permeated our culture. Everything from how we enjoy entertainment, order food, and get around town has evolved. Uber is practically the poster child for this on-demand movement. The whole appeal really boils down to a […]

The Single Greatest Mistake Being Made On Driver Recruiting Landing Pages

Unclear Campaign Performance

[box]Today ‘s article is a guest post written by Brian Pohuski. As manager of Interaction Design at Randall-Reilly, Brian’s team builds and optimizes thousands of campaign websites, mircrosites, and landing pages – reaching millions of visitors per month. He is passionate about user experience, obsessed with information architecture, and proud to be a third-generation coder.[/box] […]

Are You Doing Enough to Recruit Female Drivers?

She Drives Trucks

Everyone’s looking for answers to The Great Driver Shortage. There’s certainly no silver bullet to cure what ails the trucking industry, though attracting a more diverse pool of drivers seems like an excellent place to start. Women, who make up more than 50% of the U.S. population but account for just under 6% of America’s […]

Driver Recruiting Techniques: Keeping Up with the Times

Content Marketing for recruiting

It’s truly remarkable how drastically the world of driver recruiting has changed – just in the last few years. Long gone are the relatively straightforward pre-internet days, when recruiters relied on print ads, truck stop brochures, radio spots, billboards… and to a lesser extent Burt Reynolds and all his Smokey and the Bandit, bootleg Coors […]