The 4 Principles of Talent Acquisition | Digging Deeper

Dave and his guests talk principles of talent acquisition

On today’s Digging Deeper we discuss our four principles and how you can apply them to your team’s talent acquisition process. In addition to learning about the four principles, you can put your approach to the test with our Talent Acquisition Systems Analysis Tool (TASAT).

How to Overcome Objections for Hard-to-Fill Jobs | Listening In

Seth discusses how to address hard-to-fill job objections

On this episode of Listening In, Seth reviews a call for one of those hard-to-fill jobs. He covers what he thinks went well and what didn’t, and most importantly – tells you exactly how you and your talent acquisition team can approach recruiting interactions about difficult jobs to achieve the most success.

Excess Capacity Due to Record Profits | 30 Day Reset

Discussing Recruiting and Freight Data

It appears as though truck drivers were waiting until the start of the new year to begin looking for new jobs in earnest. There was a major spike in search activity through the first half of January. The increase in search activity is more than a 30% MoM increase, and is on pace to reach the fourth highest level on record!

Supercharge Your Talent Acquisition by Becoming Candidate-Centric | Recruiting Roundup

Recruiting Roundup - February 2024

No matter what industry you’re in, there’s a lot of competition to land the best quality hires. To keep from falling behind you need to do whatever you can to stand out and set yourself apart. What better way is there to entice potential hires to choose you than to build your entire hiring process around them? It’s time to get the results you’re after and supercharge your talent acquisition by becoming candidate-centric.

January Driver Search Activity Hits 4th Highest Level on Record | 30 Day Reset

Search Activity Spikes

It appears as though truck drivers were waiting until the start of the new year to begin looking for new jobs in earnest. There was a major spike in search activity through the first half of January. The increase in search activity is more than a 30% MoM increase, and is on pace to reach the fourth highest level on record!

Get a Leg Up on the Diesel Mechanic Competition | Digging Deeper

The Competition for Diesel techs

With well over a quarter million job posts and tens of thousands of positions to be filled, there is no shortage of competition for competent and qualified diesel mechanics. What should be listed on your ads? Should you gear your messaging around technicians or mechanics? What about sign-on bonuses or relocation pay?

Shaping Expectations for 2023 – Benchmarks to Make Your 2023 Better

Shaping Your 2023 Expectations

As we move through 2023, there are indications that it may actually be trucking fleets who now have all the options. According to our research, the supply of drivers is outpacing the need for drivers for once, which means fleets can now be much more selective and not just look for drivers … but look for the right drivers.