Get a Leg Up on the Diesel Mechanic Competition | Digging Deeper

With well over a quarter million job posts and tens of thousands of positions to be filled, there is no shortage of competition for competent and qualified diesel mechanics. What should be listed on your ads? Should you gear your messaging around technicians or mechanics? What about sign-on bonuses or relocation pay?
Jekyll & Hyde Team Up to Review a Diesel Mechanic Call | Listening In with Seth – Halloween Edition

On this very special Halloween edition of Listening In, Seth welcomes a special guest (or is it two)? Watch the episode to get all the details on what went well and where the recruiter fell short. Enjoy. Happy Halloween!
EVERYTHING You Have Ever Wanted to Know About Recruiting Calls | Digging Deeper

Calls, calls, calls! On today’s episode, Dave and his guests will dive into everything calls. Have you ever wondered how much you should weight inbound vs. outbound calls? How do you effectively priortize calls and which recruiters field particular calls? What about weekend or after hours calls? Where does automation fill in?
The One Thing Recruiters Must Not Do!!! | Listening In with Seth

Are you struggling to hire diesel techs? Maybe your team is making a very common mistake. Today on Listening In Seth will review a diesel tech recruiting call and highlight where it all went wrong. Watch the full episode to find out the one thing your recruiters absolutely must not do!
Experienced Diesel Techs Are Extremely Valuable. Does This Recruiter Make the Most of the Call? | Listening in with Seth

On a scale of 1 to 100, the recruiting difficulty for scoring an experienced diesel technician ranks a 99. That means every call that recruiters field with diesel techs, particularly veteran techs is very important. On today’s episode, Seth listens in to a call between a recruiter (we think … he never clarifies – strike 1) and a technician with over 20 years of experience.
These Four Industries All Need This One Thing RIGHT NOW! | The Recruiting Roundup

The automotive, agriculture, construction, and trucking industries are all searching for the same thing. What could it possibly be? You’ll have to watch the full episode to find out!
The 2 Pronged Approach to Recruiting Diesel Techs

We all know fleets are hurting for drivers right now, but there is another area that fleets are struggling with as well. As important as it is to find drivers to man the trucks and keep them moving, it’s just as important to have qualified diesel techs to maintain those trucks. With increased competition from […]