What’s the Right Number of Driver Recruiters for Your Fleet?

Finding the Right Number of Recruiters

[acf field=”embed_code”] What is the right number of driver recruiters? Is there such a thing? Fleets struggle everyday with this question. It may seem a little daunting, but making sure you have the proper number of recruiters for your operation to reach your goals is essential to your success. [box] [acf field=”embed_code_2″] Download the Recruiting […]

Driver Recruiting Budget Calculator

Driver Recruiting Budget Calculator

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PWqNZK55Fnc   Are you having trouble coming up with an effective and accurate driver recruiting budget? We have you covered! In the first edition of the Randall-Reilly Tool Kit, Seth Becker, walks you through our driver recruiting budget calculator. This free tool was designed with trucking fleets exactly yours in mind. Watch the brief video […]

How to Tell if You Are Spending Too Much Recruiting Truck Drivers


There is no need to spend a lot of time talking about the ever-worsening nationwide driver shortage. Recruiters deal with it every day. But the worst part of it isn’t just how difficult it is to find the drivers you need. When you do manage to find a qualified driver, the chances of them sticking […]