How Do You Know if Your Driver Recruiting Campaigns Are Working?

[acf field=”embed_code”] You put a lot of time, effort, and money into your driver recruiting campaigns. So, how do you know if your campaigns are actually working and your spend is being put to good use? It all starts with data. Randall-Reilly has developed two tools, Campaign Hub and Lead Match, designed to give you […]
3 Vital Steps to Recruiting Student Drivers

If you are a driver recruiter, you don’t need a break down of the national driver shortage. There are simply more jobs then there are drivers to fill them. One obvious solution to this problem is to get more people to choose to drive for a living. This is an area where fleets and driving […]
3 Must Haves For a Comprehensive Driver Recruiting Campaign

If you have ever put together a puzzle, you know how challenging it can be. There are hundreds of tiny pieces that have to be put into place. Otherwise your final picture won’t be perfect, or you won’t even be able to finish it. Driver recruiting campaigns are just like a puzzle. If you don’t […]