3 Marketing Principles to Help You Recruit Truck Drivers

truck driving on the road

What is marketing at its core? Marketing isn’t just an art, it isn’t a necessary evil, and it certainly isn’t a synonym for public relations. At the end of the day, marketing is selling a product to an audience. Many things about marketing are universal. It doesn’t matter if you are marketing toothpaste or headphones […]

Lead Nurturing for Driver Recruiting

Driver Recruiting

Most carriers understand the importance of brand awareness with drivers. Most do a pretty good job with it. While brand awareness is extremely important, impressions alone are not enough to capture every driver you need. Many drivers will need multiple touch points before they will commit to driving for a company. This is where lead […]

How to Use a White Paper to Attract Drivers to Your Fleet

truck on the road

Your goal—to attract qualified, safe drivers—is one shared by every fleet owner. How can you stand out from the pack? One way is to use an informative, lively, downloadable white paper to attract the type of driver you’d like to hire and to generate valuable leads your team can pursue. If a trucker takes the […]