Could Women be the Answer to the Driver Shortage?

Everyone is well aware of the current driver shortage the trucking industry is facing. The problem could be on the verge of getting even worse. The amount of freight shipped in the United States is growing by leaps and bounds. It is now estimated that the country will need 96,000 new drivers per year to […]
The Driver Shortage: Building a Budget that Meets Your Driver Recruiting Needs

Over the past few years, the touted driver shortage has become more than just an industry topic. Non-industry media, such as the Wall Street Journal and Fortune, have started reporting on the issue. Yet these are not earth-shattering revelations. You’ve known this is happening for quite a while, and you’re probably already feeling the pinch. […]
The 3 Biggest Challenges Facing Driver Recruiters

If you recruit truck drivers for a living, you probably already have a list of the biggest challenges you face very day. You might have budgetary constraints, disagreements with management about processes or even conflicts with coworkers. But there are a few challenges that face every recruiter everywhere. Overcoming these challenges isn’t easy, but for […]