Utilization is DOWN and Cargo Thefts are UP | 30 Day Reset

Driver recruiting trends, data, freight information, and an economic update – all on our lates’t edition of the 30 Day Reset. Watch it now!!!
Driver Detention is Costing the Trucking Industry Billions!!! | 30 Day Reset

The data is in for a 2023 ATRI study and the numbers are staggering. We’ll dive into it more in our news segment. Plus all the recruiting, freight, and economic data you need. Today on 30 Day Rest.
Driverless Trucking Partnership Hits a MAJOR Milestone | 30 Day Reset

J.B Hunt Transport Services, Inc., Bridgestone Americas, and Kodiak Robotics launched a driverless truck partnership this past January. J.B. Hunt transports trailers to and from Bridgestone and Kodiak utilizing Kodiak’s autonomous driving technology for the 750 mile long-haul stretch of the weekly deliveries. The collaboration recently hit a milestone – logging over 50,000 driverless long-haul miles. Find out more in this month’s 30 Day Reset.
4 More ELDs Added to the FMCSA’s Revoked List – Are You Using One??? | 30 Day Reset

Recent ATRI data reveals six major issues facing women truck drivers today. We’ll cover that plus all the latest recruiting, freight, and economic data.
The Six Major Issues Facing Women Truck Drivers | 30 Day Reset

Recent ATRI data reveals six major issues facing women truck drivers today. We’ll cover that plus all the latest recruiting, freight, and economic data.
Are Increased Imports Driving Freight Demand? | 30 Day Reset

Containerized import numbers are in and they are up double digits compared to this time last year. Many think this could be the market turn we’ve been waiting for, but is it? Jason Miller will weigh in with his thoughts with our Economic Update. In addition to that we have all the latest recruiting and freight data, plus we’ll discuss the CVSA’s upcoming Brake Safety Week.
Are We in for Several More Months of Dry Van Weakness? | 30 Day Reset

We’re back with the first installment of the 30 Day Reset for 2024. What does the data say about the end of 2023? We’ll dig into it! Watch the full video below for all the latest driver recruiting data, news stories, and Jason Miller’s economic update.
What Caused the Elevated Trucking Payroll in March??? | 30 Day Reset

What’s on the docket for the latest Economic Outlook? After falling in February, trucking payrolls were on the rise in March. What’s behind this unexpected development? Jason gives us his thoughts.