Trucking’s Top Rookie for 2019 is . . .

Listen to the article: [acf field=”embed_code”] This year’s Great American Trucking Show has come and gone. One of the many featured events at this year’s show was announcing the winner of the 2019 Mike O’Connell Trucking’s Top Rookie Award. This year’s winner is Stevens Transport driver and Army veteran, Dwight Arnold. Though new to the […]
Last Chance to Nominate Trucking’s Top Rookie

Listen to the article: [acf field=”embed_code”] Don’t miss out on your chance to nominate your pick for trucking’s top rookie. The winner of the 2019 Mike O’Connell Trucking’s Top Rookie Award will be announced on August 23rd at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center in Dallas, Texas at this year’s Great American Trucking Show (GATS). […]
Trucking’s Next Top Rookie

Listen to the article: [acf field=”embed_code”] This year’s Great American Trucking Show (GATS) is just around the corner. Which means it is time to nominate your pick for the 2019 edition of The Mike O’Connell Trucking’s Next Top Rookie Award. The winner will receive $10,000 as well as other prizes. In addition, nine other finalists […]
Successful Recruiting at Trade Shows

Trade shows provide a unique chance to meet and interact with drivers. Being able to have personal interactions with the very people you are pursuing is not something to take for granted. Some, however, still find it difficult to take advantage of the recruiting opportunities these trade shows and events have to offer. Regardless of […]
What’s New for Fleet Executives at The Great American Trucking Show

Trucking is an industry that is constantly changing. There is always some new federal regulation, technology, or even global event that is influencing the industry. You, as a member of the trucking industry, have to be ready to roll with the punches and change with your industry. As the industry changes, so too do the […]
Can You Afford to Miss Out on Driver Recruiting Events?

Stop overlooking the value of your channels. With the driver shortage in full swing, you’re doing everything you can to keep trucks on the road and keep your fleet’s freight moving.This pressure can cause even the best recruiters to focus on just a few channels that driver short term results. It’s understandable, but you’re not […]
Driver Recruiting 101: The Key to Timely Recruiting

In driver recruiting, timeliness is everything. It’s the difference between a driver recruiter getting the new hires they need to get trucks back on the road, and increasing their cost-per-hire exponentially. As a driver recruiter, you need to reach the right driver with the right message at the right time. If you can do that, […]
Getting Back to Basics: Truck Stop Strategy
My grandfather was an owner-operator, actually the first to ever lease onto Comtrak Logistics (now Hub Group Trucking). When I was young, he would run regional routes from our little town in northwest Alabama to Birmingham, Memphis, and a few other cities never more than a few hours away. Every day he and a couple […]
3 Ways to Find a Driver Recruiting Event to Sponsor

Events can be a great opportunity to get face-to-face with drivers looking for new positions. However, that doesn’t mean your recruiters should attend every event. Making sure you have chosen the correct event to sponsor is key to boosting your recruiting. If you understand your fleet’s recruiting nuances, you can determine what is important for […]
How I Made the Most Out of the CCJ Spring Symposium

Most of the events I attend are big trade shows like the Great American Trucking Show or CONEXPO-ConAgg. More intimate symposiums are new to me, and I wasn’t quite sure what to expect. The sessions themselves were packed with amazing information about the current state and future of the trucking industry. If you are looking […]