Are You Ready for the Google Ads Partnership Program Changes?

[acf field=”embed_code”] Google Ads changes their Partnership Program, making membership more competitive (and you better make sure you play by their rules). Do you like your shiny Google Partner Badge? Awesome. But if you want to keep that badge in 2021 and beyond you better make sure you’re up to speed with the changes Google […]
Driver Lead Quality vs. Quantity

In the world of truck driver recruiting everyone is scrambling trying to gain an edge. Many fleets have come to settle on the idea that the more leads they can generate the better off they are. But is that really true? Are all leads created equal? Today, Ikikima will take a look at the subject […]
How to Effectively Target Truck Drivers

[acf field=”embed_code”] Keeping your trucks on the road with the drivers you need is a difficult task. The driver pool of quality drivers is limited and every time a competing fleet hires a driver that limited pool becomes even smaller. How can you keep from falling behind? Today’s video will cover a few ways to […]
Defining the Right Driver

Listen to the article: [acf field=”embed_code”] Efficient recruiting starts with finding the right drivers for your fleet. That seems like an obvious statement. But if it really is, why do some fleets fall short in that area? Why do they end up with bad leads or have qualified leads slip through their fingers? The issue […]
The Power of Mobile-First Recruiting

Smartphones are everywhere these days. Don’t believe me? Look around you. How many people are using their smartphones right now? How many have smartphones on their desks or in their pockets or purses? You may even be reading this article on a smartphone. 77% of Americans own smartphones and that is too big of a […]
Tackling the Complexities of Paid Search Advertising

These days, the power of paid search advertising (also known as pay-per-click) is no secret. According to a Forrester Research company known as Jupiter Research, 81% of users find their desired destination through a search engine. So there’s no doubt about the wide usage of search engines. What may not be widely known is the […]
A Comprehensive Look at Retargeting for Recruiting

The average conversion rate for websites is slightly over 2%. So only about 2% of website visitors convert when they visit websites. Through the results of our recruiting lead generation efforts, we’ve found the percentage is a little higher for drivers. 10-15% of drivers convert. Though that percentage is better than the general conversion rate, […]
Winning at Truck Driver Recruiting With Performance Marketing

Performance marketing has changed the way modern marketers are approaching digital marketing and it’s easy to see why. For years marketers actually paid in advance for the ad placements with absolutely no guarantee as to how effective it would be. The primary goal was to get it in front of as many eyes as possible […]
Lead-to-Hire, Lead-to-Fail, Driver Recruiting Holy Grail

There’s no denying it: Failure feels bad. Losing hurts. Missing the mark is always unpleasant. But all the motivational quotes about failure, learning from mistakes, and using misfires as an impetus for pivoting toward success — they’re all true. Failure gives you tangible, tested proof of what doesn’t work — which is step one toward […]
Company Driver Recruiting Statistics: Focus on Search

Company drivers are important to fleets. They’re the bulk of drivers on the road, and fleets have to have them. For recruiters, this means you need to know as much as possible about how to get in front of these drivers. You need to know their habits and actions both online and offline. And the […]