Six Ways to Make the Most of Recruiting Phone Calls

Old Phone Tactics Don't Work to Recruit Drivers

Benjamin Franklin once said “Time is money.” He would’ve made a great driver recruiter with that mindset (if all that being a scientist, statesman, printer, politician, postmaster, author, inventor, and diplomat stuff didn’t work out.) Much of recruiting is about efficiency, and time. As in, how do you make the most of it? How do […]

Content Marketing for Recruiting Drivers: Yea or Nay?

Content Marketing for recruiting

Recruiting is essentially marketing. And if you have paid attention to marketing trends in the last five years or so, you have probably come across the concept of content marketing. It’s all the rage these days. But does it fit within the realm of recruiting truck drivers? The short answer is yes. However, it isn’t […]

Getting Recruiting and Marketing In the Same Boat, On the Same Page

Connecting Recruiting and Marketing

In terms of day to day function, recruiting and marketing might seem, at best, like distant cousins. You have your recruiters over here doing their thing, working the phones, poring over apps and trying to get drivers in the door. Meanwhile in the other silo office quadrant, your marketers are busy building brands and blasting […]

3 Ways to Show Drivers You Care

Driver-Centric Image - We Love Our Drivers!

Driver retention and recruiting are unconditionally linked. If your retention is up, you don’t have to fight to keep your fleet on the road. Instead, you can focus on recruiting more drivers to meet an increased demand for freight volume. The value of driver retention programs can’t be overlooked as recruiting incentives either. Every incentive […]

Can You Hire Truck Drivers At Trade Shows?

trade show truck

If you’re a driver recruiter, it’s easy to get focused on deliverables. You’re under a lot of pressure, and people are looking at you to help your fleet keep moving freight. It’s critical to be able to provide proven results to management and executives. Events, however, often seem like a channel which lack measurable results. […]

5 Ways Randall-Reilly Can Help You Get Noticed By Truck Drivers

Randall-Reilly Sign

Common Scenario: A driver sits at his computer with the intention of finding a possible job opportunity. He tries a few new sites but doesn’t go as deep into his hunt as he wants to because he isn’t sure exactly where to look. What if he didn’t have to look hard? What if your ads […]

The Top 4 Channels for Distributing Your Driver Recruiting Content

marketing channels

In today’s driver recruiting marketplace, fleets need drivers and they need them now. It’s a tough marketplace, but you already know that. What you want to know is where can you find a competitive edge. One underutilized tools, for driver recruiters is content marketing. It’s one of the best ways for fleets to engage drivers […]

Driver Recruiting 101: The Key to Timely Recruiting

typing on a keyboard

In driver recruiting, timeliness is everything. It’s the difference between a driver recruiter getting the new hires they need to get trucks back on the road, and increasing their cost-per-hire exponentially. As a driver recruiter, you need to reach the right driver with the right message at the right time. If you can do that, […]

4 Key Lessons from the 2015 Super Bowl Ads

Super Bowl Image

With yesterday’s game finally over, we can focus on what really matters. Move over deflate gate, we’re here to talk about the Super Bowl ads. They draw the biggest brands, millions of viewers, and billions of dollars in ad revenue. These ads are special. Not only do they represent some of the best creative work […]

Opinion: General Trends Don’t Tell the Whole Story

Print Media Image

General trends are the worst. While they seem to tell you everything you need to know, they actually tell you very little. But that’s counterintuitive, right? How can a general trend tell you nothing? It’s simple. A trend tells you general information about larger populations and industries. As a trucking industry professional, you don’t need […]