The Impact of the Coronavirus on Trucking’s Owner-Operators

[acf field=”embed_code_2″][acf field=”embed_code”]Over the past few weeks, we’ve taken a look at how the coronavirus pandemic has impacted the trucking industry both at the fleet and driver level. This week we focus again on the driver impact, but more specifically on how the current situation affects trucking’s owner-operators. Overdrive Senior Editor, Todd Dills, sits down […]
5 Essential Statistics for Recruiting More Owner-Operators

Surveys estimate there are a third fewer owner-operators on the road right now than there were in 2008. But of course the shortage is just the beginning of your problems. We have compiled the 5 most important statistics from the 2014 Overdrive Connectivity Study to help you recruit owner-operators. [hr style=”3″ margin=”40px 0px 40px 0px”] […]