Apples to oranges: comparing marketing metrics during the coronavirus pandemic

When an event as drastic as the coronavirus pandemic changes customer behavior, you can no longer compare apples to apples when measuring the success of your marketing. It requires a new approach. Examining your marketing metrics from before and after the start of the pandemic can help you determine how your audience is reacting in […]
Keeping Your Fleet Top of Mind During the Coronavirus Pandemic

[acf field=”embed_code”] It appears there may finally be some light at the end of the tunnel! Restrictions are being eased in states that meet guidelines set forth by the White House and CDC and it appears that we may actually be on our way to recovery, or at the very least reopening and beginning the […]
Adapting Your Driver Recruiting to the Coronavirus

[acf field=”embed_code”] Something that trucking has always had going for it is, America (and most of the world for that matter) runs on trucking. Even at a time where up to 3 out of 4 Americans are under some form of “lockdown” due to the coronavirus pandemic, trucking soldiers on. Trucking is one of the […]