How to Get the Most Out of Your Recruiting Phone Calls with the Power of AI | Recruiting Roundup

You’re paying to generate quality leads and hires with phone calls. Unfortunately, you’re probably wasting a lot of money. Get the most out of your recruiting phone calls by employing AI!
Navigating the New World of Pay Transparency Laws | Recruiting Roundup

States are passing more pay transparency laws every year. Are you prepared for the new changes coming? Failure to comply could come back to bite you. Watch the Recruiting Roundup for more details.
Improve Your Seasonal Hiring with These 5 Tips | Recruiting Roundup

With Thanksgiving behind us and Christmas fast approaching, many companies are scrambling to add seasonal workers. Are you? Get the most out of your efforts with these 5 easy tips.
Is RPO Right for YOU? | Recruiting Roundup

Many more companies are using RPO these days. Over the past several years it has become a popular option for teams looking to up their recruiting game – no matter what industry they’re in.
But what exactly is it, and what are the advantages? We’ll hit the high points on today’s Recruiting Roundup when we ask the question – Is RPO right for YOU??
But what is the gig economy and is there anything you can do as a company to take advantage of it?
Randall Reilly Partners: RP0 2.0

Randall Reilly Partners™ increases operational efficiency through a combination of proprietary data and custom technology. We believe our deep integration in our industries, technological development, and world-class personnel uniquely position us to create holistic talent acquisition strategies.