How to Talk About Your Recruiting Budget

Listen to the article: [acf field=”embed_code”] Unless your fleet has zero turnover and no plans to grow, odds are you have to spend some money recruiting truck drivers. Which means you probably have a budget with which to recruit said truck drivers. And unless you own the fleet, you probably have to ask for that […]
What’s the Right Number of Driver Recruiters for Your Fleet?

[acf field=”embed_code”] What is the right number of driver recruiters? Is there such a thing? Fleets struggle everyday with this question. It may seem a little daunting, but making sure you have the proper number of recruiters for your operation to reach your goals is essential to your success. [box] [acf field=”embed_code_2″] Download the Recruiting […]
3 Ways to Build a More Efficient Driver Recruiting Budget

Listen to the article: [acf field=”embed_code”] We often talk about ways to improve your recruiting campaigns or how to get the most out of your campaign spend. One thing that tends to get less attention is the overall spend itself. Your recruiting budget. There’s a famous saying that goes “numbers don’t lie.” Unfortunately, if you […]
What is the Right Number of Recruiters for Your Fleet?

What is the right number of driver recruiters? Is there such a thing? Fleets struggle everyday with this question. We all know that the truckers themselves are the lifeblood of the trucking and freight industry, but without recruiters…how do you get those drivers? Driver recruiters are a vital part of the equation. No fleet wants […]
The Driver Shortage: Building a Budget that Meets Your Driver Recruiting Needs

Over the past few years, the touted driver shortage has become more than just an industry topic. Non-industry media, such as the Wall Street Journal and Fortune, have started reporting on the issue. Yet these are not earth-shattering revelations. You’ve known this is happening for quite a while, and you’re probably already feeling the pinch. […]