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No More Budget! Now What? The Race to Fill Trucks | Digging Deeper

No More Budget! Now What? The Race to Fill Trucks

Dave welcomes back Kyle Jernigan to follow-up their discussion from our last Digging Deeper. Last time, in Episode 6 of our Digging Deeper Series: Speed > Cost-per-Lead: The Race to Fill Trucks, Dave and Kyle discussed the importance of speed when it comes to your driver recruiting; and how to approach talks about your recruiting […]

Digging Deeper into Driver Recruiting with Dave | “Speed > Cost-per-Lead: The Race to Fill Trucks”

Speed is Greater than Cost-Per-Lead

It seems like every week we see a new freight record being set. Fleets are struggling to keep up with the insane demand right now, which translates into a constant and urgent need for drivers. The problem is too many fleets are stuck in the old mindset of trying to find the cheapest leads. In our current situation, every day you wait around searching for those cheaper leads is another day your truck sits idle and you miss out on moving valuable freight!

Speed > Cost-per-Lead: The Race to Fill Trucks | Digging Deeper

Speed is Greater than Cost-Per-Lead

It seems like every week we see a new freight record being set. Fleets are struggling to keep up with the insane demand right now, which translates into a constant and urgent need for drivers. The problem is too many fleets are stuck in the old mindset of trying to find the cheapest leads. In our current situation, every day you wait around searching for those cheaper leads is another day your truck sits idle and you miss out on moving valuable freight!

Average Lifetime Value of Drivers: What Metrics Matter?

Recruit Drivers Based on Average Lifetime Value

Listen to the article: Average Lifetime Value? What is it? Why should you care? Average lifetime value is the amount of revenue generated by a driver. You may think of this as primarily a function of operations, but those in recruiting can have a significant effect. Put simply, the more efficiently you bring in quality […]