Driver Recruiting: What NOT to Do (Part 4)

Driver Communication

Over the past three weeks we have tried to cover some common areas that plague recruiters and consistently give them trouble. This information has been learned and compiled by working with countless recruiting partners over the years. Today we will end our four-part series with the final installment of what NOT to do in your […]

Driver Recruiting: What NOT to Do (Part 3)

Big Red Rig

In the previous weeks, we have covered some areas and issues that give recruiters trouble based on interactions and conversations with various managers and recruiting staff over the years. Today we look at more of what NOT to do with your truck driver recruiting. If you missed either of the previous two installments, they can […]

Driver Recruiting: What NOT to Do (Part 2)

Driver Recruiting

Last week I covered some common problems recruiters run into when pursuing prospects. Knowing what approaches continually fail and what NOT to do can help guide your team to a more effective strategy. Continuing with that line of thinking, here are some more examples of what you and your recruiters should avoid. The first entry […]

Driver Recruiting: What NOT to Do (Part 1)

What Not to Do

The competition among fleets trying to find and secure qualified drivers is a constant ongoing struggle. With a shortage of drivers currently upon us and freight demand on the rise, it doesn’t look like that’s going to change any time soon. With that in mind, it’s important to make that driver recruiters are effective as […]

The Single Greatest Mistake Being Made On Driver Recruiting Landing Pages

Unclear Campaign Performance

[box]Today ‘s article is a guest post written by Brian Pohuski. As manager of Interaction Design at Randall-Reilly, Brian’s team builds and optimizes thousands of campaign websites, mircrosites, and landing pages – reaching millions of visitors per month. He is passionate about user experience, obsessed with information architecture, and proud to be a third-generation coder.[/box] […]

Lead-to-Hire, Lead-to-Fail, Driver Recruiting Holy Grail

the holy grail

There’s no denying it: Failure feels bad. Losing hurts. Missing the mark is always unpleasant. But all the motivational quotes about failure, learning from mistakes, and using misfires as an impetus for pivoting toward success — they’re all true. Failure gives you tangible, tested proof of what doesn’t work — which is step one toward […]

Four Common Recruiting Mistakes We See

Trouble recruiting drivers? We can help you recruit truck drivers the right way.

We work with a broad array of clients to help them generate more driver leads. We helped drive more than 1 million leads last year, in fact.   Working with so many clients gives us unique insight into the world of truck driver recruiting. We see it all! We see what strategies work, and we […]

Six Ways to Make the Most of Recruiting Phone Calls

Old Phone Tactics Don't Work to Recruit Drivers

Benjamin Franklin once said “Time is money.” He would’ve made a great driver recruiter with that mindset (if all that being a scientist, statesman, printer, politician, postmaster, author, inventor, and diplomat stuff didn’t work out.) Much of recruiting is about efficiency, and time. As in, how do you make the most of it? How do […]

Getting Recruiting and Marketing In the Same Boat, On the Same Page

Connecting Recruiting and Marketing

In terms of day to day function, recruiting and marketing might seem, at best, like distant cousins. You have your recruiters over here doing their thing, working the phones, poring over apps and trying to get drivers in the door. Meanwhile in the other silo office quadrant, your marketers are busy building brands and blasting […]

Driver Appreciation Ideas

Driver-Centric Image - We Love Our Drivers!

In an effort to get a bit more mileage out of the recent “Truck Driver Appreciation Week” — which should ideally be more of a year-round kind of thing — we wanted to devote some space to trucker gratitude. They toil under stressful, often harsh conditions, and they deserve genuine, tangible shows of appreciation. Whether […]