What is Your Favorite Driver Recruiting Lead?

If you are a driver recruiter, and I assume you are, then you are awesome. Because of your efforts to keep your trucks on the road, your company has survived probably the worst driver crisis in the history of the industry. That is impressive, and you should be commended for you results. Congratulations! However, you […]
3 Habits of Truck Drivers That Every Recruiter Should Know

There are a lot of marketing principals that apply to driver recruiting. But if there is one that is more important than any of the others, it might be: Know your audience. You can have cutting edge online marketing, savvy social networking, and spend thousands exhibiting at events. But if you don’t know the audience you […]
5 Ideas For Recruiting Drivers Through Events

As we all know, drivers are in high demand. Every fleet in the country is looking to recruit as many drivers as they can from a very limited pool of potential employees. It’s a tough time to be a driver recruiter. However that doesn’t mean that you can’t be successful. It just means that you […]
4 Ways to Recruit Drivers at Truck Stops

The concept isn’t complicated. Where can you find truck drivers? I bet you’ll find a few at truck stops. That seems logical. But sarcasm aside, it isn’t quite that simple, is it? Yours and every other fleet needs to get in front of the same drivers. There are so many ways to reach drivers at […]
Why Is It So Difficult to Recruit Owner-Operators?

If your fleet is just now getting into recruiting owner-operators, or if you have been doing it for years there is a special challenge when it comes to getting these drivers on board and keeping them there. Some surveys estimate that there are a third fewer owner-operators on the road right now than there were […]
Are Driver Recruiters Really Marketers?

Yes. I’m glad we cleared that up. Many of you have probably read 3 Marketing Principals to Help you Recruit Truck Drivers. But there aren’t just 3 marketing principals that can help you be a better driver recruiter. If you are a recruiter, you are a marketer. Hopefully this revelation doesn’t worry you because it is […]