How to Hire Quality Drivers

Don’t make the mistake many fleets make by thinking more leads automatically means more hires. Your recruiting needs to be more than just about numbers. It needs to be about QUALITY. Find the best drivers for your needs. Watch today’s video to find out more! Listen to the Audio Version
Stop Letting Your Driver Leads Go Cold

If you fail to convert your leads into hires, you are never going to be able to reach your recruiting goals. If you are struggling to get the hires you are after are you falling short because you have a lack of leads, or are you failing to convert leads you’ve already generated? Stop letting […]
Why Aren’t Your Truck Driver Recruiting Landing Pages Generating More Leads?

Many fleets, perhaps yours included, aren’t getting the conversions they expect out of their recruiting landing pages. So, what’s the problem? They’re getting the traffic. Drivers are making it to the landing page, but for some reason they just aren’t taking the next step. What’s the problem? That’s exactly what we’re going to talk about […]
Facebook and Your Truck Driver Recruiting Strategy

With veteran drivers retiring and the industry continuing to grow, fleets need drivers now more than ever. Which means drivers are in extremely high demand. Where are these drivers? Like everyone else, they’re on Facebook.
3 Ways to Build a More Efficient Truck Driver Recruiting Budget

We often talk about ways to improve your recruiting campaigns or how to get the most out of your campaign spend. One thing that tends to get less attention is the overall spend itself. Your recruiting budget.Over the years, we’ve come to find that if your driver recruiting budget is falling short and you aren’t […]
5 Ways to Improve Your Fleet’s Driver Recruiting

When it comes to truck driver recruiting, all trucking fleets have essentially the same goal: find, target, and hire the right truck drivers for their fleet. That’s where things get tricky. What can you do to make sure you’re not only targeting and reaching the quality drivers your fleet needs, but hiring them as well? […]
What’s the Right Number of Driver Recruiters for Your Fleet?

[acf field=”embed_code”] What is the right number of driver recruiters? Is there such a thing? Fleets struggle everyday with this question. It may seem a little daunting, but making sure you have the proper number of recruiters for your operation to reach your goals is essential to your success. [box] [acf field=”embed_code_2″] Download the Recruiting […]
Driver Recruiting Budget Calculator Are you having trouble coming up with an effective and accurate driver recruiting budget? We have you covered! In the first edition of the Randall-Reilly Tool Kit, Seth Becker, walks you through our driver recruiting budget calculator. This free tool was designed with trucking fleets exactly yours in mind. Watch the brief video […]
What Truck Drivers Want

[acf field=”embed_code”] Fleets and recruiters across the country are constantly searching for new ways to attract and keep qualified drivers. One of the best ways to find out how to attract a new crop of drivers is to see what the current ones are saying about the state of things. After all, who would know […]
Why Video is Great for Recruiting Drivers

When it comes to driver recruiting, you do a lot to convince drivers you’re the right pick. You empathize with their pain and offer solutions. You cater to their interests. You demonstrate how what you offer is the right match for their needs and preferences. Despite all your efforts, you still fall short when it […]