Case Study

Woods Machinery

Streamlining Mechanic Recruitment: Randall Reilly’s Digital Marketing Success

At a Glance: Woods Machinery, a New Jersey-based company with three stores, was under significant pressure to hire 2-4 mechanics within a tight 90-day window. The clock was ticking, and they struggled not only to generate sufficient leads but also to effectively communicate with potential candidates. Their existing recruiting resources were stretched thin, unable to meet the demanding timeline. 

Randall Reilly stepped in with a targeted digital marketing campaign from February to April, which generated an impressive 270 leads. This strategic effort enabled Woods Machinery to overcome their challenges, resulting in 6 successful hires within the critical 90-day period.

Bottom Line: Randall Reilly’s digital marketing campaign effectively addressed Woods Machinery’s hiring challenges by significantly boosting lead volume and achieving the required hiring targets within the specified timeframe.

Randall Reilly’s Solution:

Randall Reilly designed and executed a targeted digital marketing campaign to overcome Woods Machinery’s recruitment obstacles. The approach included:

  • Targeting qualified technicians with precise ads in strategic areas.
  • Developing compelling ads and content that narrated Woods Machinery’s story.
  • Utilizing existing shop photos and creating a branded landing page for each store location.
  • Implementing custom reporting to gain detailed insights and track campaign performance.

Performance Highlights

Lead Volume: Produced 270 leads from February to April, two times what was projected

Target Contact: Over 3,000 qualified techs targeted

Hiring Success:

  • First 30 Days: Hired the first technician.
  • Next 60 Days: Hired 5 more technicians.
  • Total Hires in 90 Days: 6 technicians.

Partnership and Commitment:

The success of this campaign was not just due to our digital marketing efforts, but also the committed partnership with Woods Machinery. Their president was dedicated from the start, putting in place a dedicated team to call the leads we generated. 


This level of commitment was crucial; we can generate leads all day, but without the client’s active involvement, achieving hires becomes challenging. Woods Machinery’s dedication ensured that the leads we provided turned into successful hires. 



Randall Reilly’s strategic digital marketing campaign significantly enhanced Woods Machinery’s recruitment outcomes. By generating a high volume of quality leads and achieving notable hiring success, Randall Reilly demonstrated their expertise in recruitment marketing. This case study highlights the importance of a well-executed digital marketing strategy in swiftly attracting and hiring top talent.

Book A Call Today!

On this call we will have the opportunity to:

  • Discuss your current hiring needs and challenges.
  • Explain our service options and pricing structure.
  • Answer any questions and verify alignment between your company and our TA services.
  • Provide realistic outcomes based on your needs.
  • Talk about your current hiring strategy and discuss ways to improve that process.

Partner with us and start running your service center at full-capacity.