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Nominations for 2018 Trucking’s Top Rookie Award Closing Soon!

Trucking's Top Rookie Nominations Open

Your window of opportunity to nominate your pick for the 2018 Trucking’s Top Rookie Award is closing soon! All nominations must be submitted to Truckers News by 5 p.m. ET Friday, June 29, 2018. That’s this Friday! If you haven’t nominated your pick for this year’s top rookie you still have time. [box] Nominees will […]

Flipping the Recruiting Funnel – Connect Phase

The Recruiting Funnel - Connect Phase

Welcome back to the flipping the recruiting funnel series. This week we will be taking a closer look at the connect phase. If you’re new to the series and want to catch up on anything you’ve missed you can refer back to the previous articles covering the recruiting funnel, average lifetime value, convert, and engage […]