4 Effective Recruiting Methods You May be Underutilizing

Recruiting truck drivers is a constant struggle. The demand for drivers still outweighs the current supply. Today’s fleet numbers are constantly in flux, almost continuously gaining and losing drivers. To be successful, companies and their recruiting partners must have an effective recruiting strategy.
There are many ways to approach recruiting and it’s very easy to feel overwhelmed with all the options available. Sometimes it’s best to focus on a handful of methods that seem to be obvious, but you may be overlooking. Here are four effective methods for recruiting drivers that you may be underutilizing.
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1. Recruit Drivers at Truck Stops

Truck Stop SignA big part of recruiting comes down to knowing how and where to reach your audience. Truck stops seem to be a logical place to start. Over the years they have evolved and become far more than simple refueling stations. Many truckers’ routines include eating, showering, and even working out at these roadside behemoths.
So, with a steady stream of drivers concentrated in one location, how can you grab their attention? Physical signage around the truck stop,  print publications, and targeting digitally by truck stop are all great places to start. [hr style=”3″ margin=”40px 0px 40px 0px”]

2. Target Drivers on Social Media

Social Media MarketingSocial media has become a dominant force in today’s culture. Seemingly everyone has an account and an online presence. The modern truck driver is no different. Unsurprisingly, Facebook is the favored social media platform among truckers.
This means actively targeting drivers through Facebook and other popular social media platforms can be a highly effective tool. A full breakdown of the numbers and platform usage can be found in the 2016 Truckers News Connectivity Study.

Truck driver social media use by platform 2016

Source: Truckers News 2016 Connectivity Study

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3. Content Marketing

Content MarketingWe’ve talked before about how when done properly, content marketing, can be a hugely effective way to cultivate a loyal base of drivers. Consistently providing drivers with valuable content on a regular basis helps to establish an emotional connection with prospective drivers.
Over time this leads to them seeing you as an established and trustworthy source of accurate and relevant information. This connection can give you an edge over competitors when a prospective driver is ready to make the decision to move to a new fleet.
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4. Maintain an Updated Web Presence

Online PresenceTechnology is constantly changing. That undeniable fact can make this a little tricky at times, but keeping up-to-date with the latest tech and trends is of the utmost importance. Your website needs to be updated regularly to stay current and keep from becoming an antiquated punchline.
Focusing on how the site functions on mobile applications and implementing a click-to-call feature is a great way to signal your website is current and your company does its best to be easily accessible to drivers. To maintain consistent traffic, it is vital to work on SEO to allow drivers to find your content and websites organically.
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Moving Forward with Your Driver Recruiting

There is a myriad of ways to approach your driver recruiting and this is just a small sampling of the possible tactics. These four methods, however, are often overlooked or underutilized when building and launching a recruiting campaign. Properly implemented and focusing in these four areas can be the cornerstone of your recruiting strategy and yield positive results.
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