Fleets are constantly looking for ways to garner new quality leads. No matter how successful fleets are at acquiring leads, what they do with those leads and how they handle them is really important.
How are your leads being handled by recruiters?
In previous articles we’ve discussed some areas that recruiters constantly struggle with. For more details you can refer back to our blog series, Driver Recruiting: What NOT to Do (Part 1).
Today, I’d like to talk a bit more about the missed driver recruiting opportunities that happen everyday. What exactly do I mean?
It all comes down to how the way recruiters approach a call. Without realizing it, they may be missing out on opportunities, which results in you missing out on successful conversions.
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What does a typical recruiter conversation with a prospective driver sound like?
The question sounds simple enough, and many think they know the answer . . . but do they? Even if you’re in the same room as your recruiters everyday, are you really sure of how they are handling calls?
After all, there are two sides of a conversation happening, and unless you are actively monitoring a call and listening in, you are only hearing half of what is being said.
When is the last time you listened in on a recruiting call?
With so many calls made each day by each recruiter, it’s easy to see why some of them may fall into a routine with their caller interactions.
The way most calls typically unfold is once a recruiter is able to get a prospect on the line, they do their best to describe the fleet’s process, explain what’s required, and encourage the driver to complete a full application for processing.
But then what? If that description sums up the entire interaction, the recruiter is falling short. Getting an application to a prospect or telling them where one can be found online and simply hoping they follow through with it simply isn’t enough.
How can recruiters get the most out their interactions?
The way to get the most out of every single call is to put emphasis on recruiter follow-up and holding prospective drivers accountable.
What does holding prospective drivers accountable mean?
When talking to a prospect on the phone, recruiters need to do everything in their power to make the process as easy and painless as possible. Instead of just telling a driver to fill out an application and get it back when they can . . . put a time frame on the process, or if possible become a part of the process.
Some carriers do not allow their recruiters to help drivers fill out an application, while others do. I’m not advocating going against a carrier’s policy, but if a recruiter is able, they should be proactive and get the ball rolling by assisting in the application process.
On the other hand, if recruiters are not able to do this, there are still ways to get more out of the calls. For instance, once a recruiter has provided all the necessary paperwork, take the extra step and confirm they have received it. Go a step beyond that and ask the simple question of how long the prospect thinks it would take them to complete the paperwork.
If the prospective driver responds with a time frame, recruiters should take note and follow-up with them to make sure they are taken care of in a timely manner. This simple act actually does a couple very important things.
1. Let the driver know you care.
By staying engaged with a prospective driver and following up with them, it shows them that the recruiter (and the fleet by proxy) are invested in them and truly want to work with them.
2. Holding the driver accountable spurs prospective drivers to act.
Following up with a driver in a timely manner holds them accountable to recruiters. Knowing they will receive a follow-up call and are expected to have completed the paperwork spurs them to take action. This makes sure that the prospect stays engaged in the process and doesn’t become a cold lead.
Keeping prospective drivers engaged and placing the impetus on them to complete necessary paperwork and then following up with them in a timely manner can help get the most out of every single phone call.
That’s the goal isn’t it? As the old adage goes, time is money! Every minute counts in the world of recruiting. Recruiters have become focused on processing as many leads as possible and as a result they may be missing out on major opportunities.
The key to winning at recruiting, is to make the most out the time spent. Instead of just going down a list and attempting to convert recruits based on sheer volume, focus on improving the quality of service and attention given to each prospect. This simple change in philosophy can do wonders for your recruiting.
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How can you begin to maximize your recruiting efficiency?
The best way to get started is to take stock of how you’re currently doing and listen in on recruiting phone calls. Only when you know how current calls are unfolding can you truly understand your weaknesses and begin to fix them.
To get the most out of their efforts recruiters must take every available opportunity to move the conversation forward. The more a recruiter can accomplish on the phone by committing time and energy to a potential driver and holding them accountable through consistent follow-up, the better your results will be.
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Need help getting started?
Randall-Reilly can help. With years of industry experience, we can help you break the cycle of old call habits and get the most out of every interaction.
Improve conversion rates with TREAD.
The Transportation Recruiting Enhancement and Development Team, or TREAD, was established to increase conversion rates by identifying weaknesses and increasing efficiency in the realm of truck driver recruiting.
The TREAD team can design a program to best suit your needs and come to you on site to work with recruiters to get the best results possible and meet your recruiting needs.
Whether it’s through a relationship with TREAD or not, the key takeaway is to remember that there are opportunities available that are not being capitalized on.
Find where you are lacking and do your best to increase your recruiting efficiency as you move forward. It’s in this way you can find true success with your recruiting.
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Want to Improve Your Driver Conversion Rates?
The TREAD Program can Help
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The TREAD Program can Help
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The TREAD Program can Help
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Want to Improve Your Driver Conversion Rates?
The TREAD Program can Help
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