Is Your Social Media Advertising Reaching Drivers?
The list of social media platforms is constantly growing. The popularity and usage of each platform on that list is constantly growing. The number of drivers who fit your hiring criteria who happen to be using each platform on that list is constantly . . .you get the idea. This constant growth creates endless opportunities […]
The Top 4 Digital Trends for Recruiting Truck Drivers
Recruiting truck drivers can be daunting and that’s understandable.Recruiting truck drivers is not exactly the easiest thing to do these days. But there’s hope. Light at the end of the tunnel, if you will. Looking at the big trends that affect driver recruiting can give you insight into some of the best ways to reach […]
The Single Greatest Mistake Being Made On Driver Recruiting Landing Pages
[box]Today ‘s article is a guest post written by Brian Pohuski. As manager of Interaction Design at Randall-Reilly, Brian’s team builds and optimizes thousands of campaign websites, mircrosites, and landing pages – reaching millions of visitors per month. He is passionate about user experience, obsessed with information architecture, and proud to be a third-generation coder.[/box] […]
Nominations Open For Trucking’s Top Rookie Award
The search for Trucking’s Top Rookie is under way. Presented by Truckers News, the goal of the contest is to identify and recognize the best professional truck driver who has been on the job for less than a year. Pictured Above: Chris Crowell, 2016’s Trucking’s Top Rookie winner Make your online nominations here for this year’s […]
Is Facebook the Future of Recruiting?
Facebook is rolling out a bevy of new job-related functionality. If your company has a Facebook page, you can now post job openings free of charge. For those seeking a job, you can see a slew of available gigs in your area. Here’s a screengrab of a recent job we posted on our Facebook page. […]
Lead-to-Hire, Lead-to-Fail, Driver Recruiting Holy Grail
There’s no denying it: Failure feels bad. Losing hurts. Missing the mark is always unpleasant. But all the motivational quotes about failure, learning from mistakes, and using misfires as an impetus for pivoting toward success — they’re all true. Failure gives you tangible, tested proof of what doesn’t work — which is step one toward […]
Four Common Recruiting Mistakes We See
We work with a broad array of clients to help them generate more driver leads. We helped drive more than 1 million leads last year, in fact. Working with so many clients gives us unique insight into the world of truck driver recruiting. We see it all! We see what strategies work, and we […]
Six Ways to Make the Most of Recruiting Phone Calls
Benjamin Franklin once said “Time is money.” He would’ve made a great driver recruiter with that mindset (if all that being a scientist, statesman, printer, politician, postmaster, author, inventor, and diplomat stuff didn’t work out.) Much of recruiting is about efficiency, and time. As in, how do you make the most of it? How do […]
Addressing Potential Pain Points in Your Recruiting Content Marketing
Money, miles, and home time are the undisputed ‘big 3’ of truck driver recruiting. Everybody cares about those things. But drivers have plenty of other questions, concerns, expectations, and aspirations that factor into whether or not they apply. Parking, hours of service, life on the road, benefits, perks, industry regulations, the future of trucking … […]
Four New Year’s Resolutions for Driver Recruiters
Though the ball has dropped (much to the chagrin of Mariah Carey and all those folks who got roped into doing the Whole30 Diet), and many of us have already probably faltered in our 2017 goals, there’s still time to make resolutions for the new year. If you’re in the business of recruiting truck drivers, […]