Coronavirus is Here and We Need Our Truckers More Than Ever

Truckers will Help Us Beat Coronavirus

We often forget just how fragile we humans are. In today’s modern age, widespread epidemics seem like a thing of the past. Especially in places like here in the United States. Modern vaccines and antibiotics have helped us stave off deadly viruses and illnesses that would have once ravaged us. That is…until coronavirus. Or more […]

Average Lifetime Value of Drivers: What Metrics Matter?

Recruit Drivers Based on Average Lifetime Value

Listen to the article: Average Lifetime Value? What is it? Why should you care? Average lifetime value is the amount of revenue generated by a driver. You may think of this as primarily a function of operations, but those in recruiting can have a significant effect. Put simply, the more efficiently you bring in quality […]

How to Talk About Your Recruiting Budget

Know how to get the recruiting budget you need

Listen to the article: Unless your fleet has zero turnover and no plans to grow, odds are you have to spend some money recruiting truck drivers. Which means you probably have a budget with which to recruit said truck drivers. And unless you own the fleet, you probably have to ask for that budget from […]

The Currency of Fleet Reputation

How Much is a Bad Fleet Reputation Costing You?

Listen to the article: In the minds of many fleets, drivers have become a commodity. The mindset becomes “What is the cheapest driver I can get in my fleet?” And coupled with that mindset is the idea that turnover isn’t actually a bad thing. As long as you can keep a driver for X amount […]

8 Truck Driver Recruiting Tactics for Small Fleets

How to recruit drivers for smaller fleets

Listen to the article: As a small fleet, it is difficult not to get lumped in with bigger fleets when it comes to content on how to improve, best practices, how to manage leads, and so on. You may not need to know how to empower your recruiting team or efficiently manage a large volume […]

4 Ways Small Trucking Fleets Can Build Strong Referral Programs

Creating a Referral Program for Your Small Fleet

Listen to the article: When it comes to making a good impression on potential hires, your fleet has limitations. You can only say so much in an ad, and your brand may not be that well known. There’s also the chance of truck drivers not believing what you are saying about your own fleet. It […]

Trucking’s Top Rookie for 2019 is . . .

Winner of the 2019 Trucking's Top Rookie is....

Listen to the article: This year’s Great American Trucking Show has come and gone. One of the many featured events at this year’s show was announcing the winner of the 2019 Mike O’Connell Trucking’s Top Rookie Award. This year’s winner is Stevens Transport driver and Army veteran, Dwight Arnold. Though new to the business, the […]

How to Benchmark Your Online Truck Driver Recruiting Advertising

Benchmark Your Driver Recruiting Advertising

Listen to the article: When it comes to advertising online, it can be difficult to tell if your efforts are really working. You get this report from your vendor that shows all these results and metrics, but it can be hard to determine which of these results truly indicate success. It leaves you wondering if […]

How Efficient is Your Driver Recruiting Process?

The Efficiency of Your Recruiting Lifecycle

Are you efficient at managing your leads? You might say “yes” or “no” or you might not be sure. But the real proof of whether you are or not is in the number of hires you are able to produce. Even if you have the tightest, most buttoned-up recruiting process, changes and advancements in the […]

Defining the Right Driver

Defining the Right Driver

Listen to the article: Efficient recruiting starts with finding the right drivers for your fleet. That seems like an obvious statement. But if it really is, why do some fleets fall short in that area? Why do they end up with bad leads or have qualified leads slip through their fingers? The issue is that […]