U.S. / Canada Border Hours Set to Change in 2025 | 30 Day Reset

Border hours of operation at multiple locations are set to change in early 2025. Which entry points? What are the hours? Check out this month’s 30 Day Reset download for full details. Plus all the latest driver recruiting, freight, spot rate, and economic updates!
Driver Recruiting and the Metrics that Matter | Digging Deeper

Anderson Trucking Service’s Jeron Rennie joins Dave, Seth, and Kyle to talk driver recruiting. Jeron talks about his processes, how things have changed, which metrics they look at, and how the Call Disposition Report has impacted what they do.
What Do Drivers HATE? Here’s What the Polls Say | Listening In

On today’s episode we’ll be focusing on drivers. Instead of listening to phone calls, we’ll listen to drivers in a different way by going over some recent Truckers News poll and survey results.
Is RPO Right for YOU? | Recruiting Roundup

Many more companies are using RPO these days. Over the past several years it has become a popular option for teams looking to up their recruiting game – no matter what industry they’re in.
But what exactly is it, and what are the advantages? We’ll hit the high points on today’s Recruiting Roundup when we ask the question – Is RPO right for YOU??
But what is the gig economy and is there anything you can do as a company to take advantage of it?
Utilization is DOWN and Cargo Thefts are UP | 30 Day Reset

Driver recruiting trends, data, freight information, and an economic update – all on our lates’t edition of the 30 Day Reset. Watch it now!!!
Scariest Candidate Sourcing Mistakes | Digging Deeper Halloween Edition

Do you have trouble getting the leads you need to make hires? Or worse, are you generating low quality leads that don’t translate into long term quality hires? If this sounds eerily familiar, join us for an all-new Halloween edition of Digging Deeper for a deep discussion with Dave and his panel: McKensie Worley, Dana Jordan, and Julie Arsenault.
Do These Questions Help Hire Top Candidates? | Listening In

In a first for our show, Seth will be reviewing a video. He takes a look at a Don Georgevich video highlighting seven questions to ask to get the top talent you’re after. So, can asking these questions really help you meet your goals? See what Seth has to say.
Time to Embrace the Gig Economy? | Recruiting Roundup

As remote work has become more common and digital skillsets more valuable the term “gig economy” has been thrown around an awful lot.
But what is the gig economy and is there anything you can do as a company to take advantage of it?
Driver Detention is Costing the Trucking Industry Billions!!! | 30 Day Reset

The data is in for a 2023 ATRI study and the numbers are staggering. We’ll dive into it more in our news segment. Plus all the recruiting, freight, and economic data you need. Today on 30 Day Rest.
The Recruiting Wonder Drug | Listening In

Harvard Medical School called walking a “wonder drug”. Simply walking more improves mood and health. That one simple act that everyone can do can and does make a major impact on overall health. But … is there something similar for recruiting? A “wonder drug”? One thing you can do or monitor to improve your recruiting overall and get the most out of your efforts? Watch today’s episode to find out!