Trucking Has Been Changed FOREVER!!! | The Recruiting Roundup

Try as we might there just is no going back to the way it was. Sure we may get close in some areas, but we will never truly get things back to the way they were pre-2020, and trucking is no exception to this. The pandemic changed trucking … FOREVER.
These Four Industries All Need This One Thing RIGHT NOW! | The Recruiting Roundup

The automotive, agriculture, construction, and trucking industries are all searching for the same thing. What could it possibly be? You’ll have to watch the full episode to find out!
Is Comfort Really Important to Drivers? | The Recruiting Roundup

On today’s episode of The Recruiting Roundup we’ll take another look at some of the results of a recent driver survey conducted by CCJ using the Truckers News and Overdrive audiences. The specific data I discuss today is covered with a little more detail in this article found on Truckers News. Check out the full […]
The Problem with the FMCSA’s Apprenticeship Program | The Recruiting Roundup

On today’s episode of The Recruiting Roundup we talk about the FMCSA’s Safe Driver Apprenticeship Pilot Program. What is it? What’s it do? Does it actually help? Are any fleets taking advantage? We’ll cover all that and more on today’s episode. For more details you can read a full article on Overdrive Online by Alex […]
Uncle Sam says, “SHIP IT!!!” | The Recruiting Roundup

What exactly would the SHIP IT Act do if passed and how would it seek to strengthen the supply chain and add more drivers?
What Drivers Want | The Recruiting Roundup

The Recruiting Roundup covers some top answers from a recent joint survey performed by Truckers News and Overdrive.
What Does the DATA Say About November and December Driver Recruiting? | The Recruiting Roundup

November and December seem to have a bad reputation when it comes to driver recruiting. The question is, are the final two months of the year really a bad time for driver recruiting?
Why Are Diesel Prices So HIGH?!? | Recruiting Roundup

As the U.S.’s distillate supply lowers, the price of diesel fuel continues to climb. How did we get here and how long will this last? Watch the Recruiting Roundup and find out!
Recruiting Roundup | Need More Drivers? Do These 5 Things!

Today’s episode of Recruiting Roundup will cover 5 easy things your team can do to improve your driver recruiting. What are they? Watch Roundup and find out!
Recruiting Roundup | Perfecting the Phone Call

When it comes to driver recruiting, a recruiter’s skills on the phone can make or break you. They are more often than not the first contact a driver has with you, and their interaction will set the tone and expectations a driver has for your fleet moving forward.