Construction Industry Marketing

It wasn’t too long ago that construction dealer marketing meant placing an ad in the yellow pages and hanging flags during an open house. Today, the vast number of tactics and channels are staggering, if not a little overwhelming. The good news: all these new marketing outlets have leveled the playing field, making it much easier for smaller dealers to compete and be heard.

Construction-Dealer-Marketing-101-thumbA new whitepaper from EDA touches on many of these topics. In the Dealer Marketing 360 series, “Marketing 101: An Overview” begins with a review of the dealer marketing landscape followed by summaries of many of the most effective tactics available today including:

  • Direct Marketing

  • Variable Data Printing

  • E-mail Marketing

  • Online Presence and the “Silent Salesman”

  • Open Houses/Trade Shows

  • In-store Branding/POP

  • Advertising

  • CRM Systems Overview

  • Market Analysis for Dealers

Subsequent white papers in the series go into additional detail on each the topics covered in this first white paper. To get started, download “Marketing 101: An Overview” here.
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