Winning at Truck Driver Recruiting With Performance Marketing

Performance marketing has changed the way modern marketers are approaching digital marketing and it’s easy to see why. For years marketers actually paid in advance for the ad placements with absolutely no guarantee as to how effective it would be. The primary goal was to get it in front of as many eyes as possible […]
Are Your Numbers Lying to You?

There are many options available to fleets and their recruiting partners when it comes to how they approach their recruiting efforts. There are many viable options and approaches available. With so many possibilities out there, how can you get the most for your money? Some have become fixated on numbers such as cost per lead […]
The Top 4 Digital Trends for Recruiting Truck Drivers

Recruiting truck drivers can be daunting and that’s understandable.Recruiting truck drivers is not exactly the easiest thing to do these days. But there’s hope. Light at the end of the tunnel, if you will. Looking at the big trends that affect driver recruiting can give you insight into some of the best ways to reach […]
How Can Driver Recruiters Reach the Millennials?

As each year passes, more and more qualified and experienced drivers are approaching retirement. The industry has been hit with a shortage that is being exacerbated by truckers leaving the industry at a higher rate than they can be replaced. According to the ATA’s Truck Driver Shortage Analysis From 2015 (PDF), the average age of […]
3 Ways to Improve Your Driver Recruiting with Marketing Principles

What exactly does marketing have to do with driver recruiting? On the face of it, they seem like two entirely separate subjects. Marketing is all about reaching potential customers and if successful, hopefully forming a positive relationship with them. Does that sound familiar? What if we replace customers with drivers? “Reaching potential customers (drivers) and […]
Don’t Let Inefficiency Kill Your Recruiting

The competition between fleets over qualified drivers can be fierce. Fleets have tried everything from sign-on bonuses, higher pay rates, and even more time off the road to try and entice prospective drivers and gain a competitive edge. Over the past few months we’ve looked at a few possible solutions recruiters could embrace to secure […]
Young Truck Drivers Are the Key to the Future

Over the past few months we’ve covered the driver shortage a number of times and the current state of the trucking industry. Recruiters are facing difficulties getting the necessary qualified drivers to keep up with the current demand . . . and that demand is only increasing as time goes on. The shortage and the […]
Is the Fear of Spending Too Much Holding Your Driver Recruiting Back?

Trying to nail down the best way to recruit truck drivers can be a tricky proposition. The world we live in is changing rapidly, and so is the way we communicate. Since the introduction of the internet we’ve seen a boom in technological advances and a shift in the way we live our lives. It’s […]
Targeting and Recruiting Today’s Owner-Operators

While not the biggest segment of the truck driver population, owner-operators can be an attractive option for fleets to pursue. With an estimated 40,000 commercial driver licenses issued per month, their numbers will only increase in the future. Fleets who want to benefit from and employ owner-operators first have to know how to reach them. […]
Driver Recruiting: What NOT to Do (Part 4)

Over the past three weeks we have tried to cover some common areas that plague recruiters and consistently give them trouble. This information has been learned and compiled by working with countless recruiting partners over the years. Today we will end our four-part series with the final installment of what NOT to do in your […]