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How Smart Rhino Labs Strengthens Randall-Reilly


Recently, Randall-Reilly announced the acquisition of Smart Rhino Labs. Growth is generally viewed as a good thing, and with an established data source such as Randall-Reilly bringing Smart Rhino Labs into the fold it can only mean good things for current and future clients right? [hr style=”3″ margin=”40px 0px 40px 0px”] Who is Smart Rhino […]

What is the Right Number of Recruiters for Your Fleet?

What is the Right Number for Your Fleet

What is the right number of driver recruiters? Is there such a thing? Fleets struggle everyday with this question. We all know that the truckers themselves are the lifeblood of the trucking and freight industry, but without recruiters…how do you get those drivers? Driver recruiters are a vital part of the equation. No fleet wants […]

Your Fleet’s Reputation Matters

Your Fleet Reputation Matters

What kind of reputation does your fleet have? Perhaps the more important question would be, what kind of reputation does your fleet have with drivers? Drivers’ opinions are important and can really impact the effectiveness of your recruiting. The one group of people you cannot afford to have a bad rep with is . . […]

Successful Recruiting at Trade Shows

Recruiting at Trade Shows

Trade shows provide a unique chance to meet and interact with drivers. Being able to have personal interactions with the very people you are pursuing is not something to take for granted. Some, however, still find it difficult to take advantage of the recruiting opportunities these trade shows and events have to offer. Regardless of […]

Get the Drivers You Need with Goal-Oriented Recruiting Campaigns

Goal-Oriented Recruiting

How does your recruiting measure up? Your aim is to reach the right drivers with your messaging, and hopefully persuade them to drive for you, not the competition. That’s why setting real, tangible goals for your campaigns is so vital. Having a clear goal to strive for can help guide your efforts. Goal-oriented campaigns allow […]

6 Tips for Connecting with Drivers on Mobile

Connecting with Drivers on Mobile

In the not-too-distant past, there would have been a need to devote this first paragraph to proving the prevalence of mobile phones. But these days, you can see for yourself. Smartphones have gone from being a luxury to a necessity for the general public. 77% of Americans are smartphone owners. And that percentage includes drivers. […]

Driver Recruiting: Quantity vs. Quality of Leads

Quantity vs. Quality of Leads

What numbers matter most to you when it comes to your truck driver recruiting? Everyone is scrambling to get an edge on the competition. Generating driver leads is a major part of that. But, when you look at all of your recruiting data and the breakdown of your numbers, what is your primary focus? For […]

Why Isn’t Your Recruiting Landing Page Generating More Conversions?

Why Aren't Your Recruiting Landing Pages Working?

Landing pages have come to serve a vital role in the digital age of driver recruiting. The whole purpose of landing pages is to help drive leads and conversions. In a perfect world, a prospective driver finds their way to your landing page (whether through search ads, social media, etc.) and once there, they’re presented […]

Is Your Social Media Advertising Reaching Drivers?

Reaching Drivers with Social Media

The list of social media platforms is constantly growing. The popularity and usage of each platform on that list is constantly growing. The number of drivers who fit your hiring criteria who happen to be using each platform on that list is constantly . . .you get the idea. This constant growth creates endless opportunities […]

Which Lead Attribution Model is Right for Your Recruiting?

The Right Leads

How can you know which campaigns, or specific channels within a driver recruiting campaign are working? Monitoring where leads and conversions are coming from allows you to see which campaigns or channels are performing and which ones aren’t. Accurate lead attribution leads to more efficient spend allocations. In the big picture, lead attribution tracks and […]