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Evaluate Your Recruiting with More Than Cost

crunching numbers

Listen to the article: If I were to ask you, how is your advertising doing, what would your first instinct be? For a lot of fleets out there the first knee-jerk reaction is to take a look at cost. Far too often fleets fall into the trap of, “Well our CPL and CPH is pretty […]

Understanding Your Lead Velocity

Understand Your Driver Recruiting Lead Velocity

How efficient is your lead-to-hire process? With so many fleets vying for the opportunity to hire the same drivers you are after, it’s important to always be on the lookout for ways to improve your process and get ahead of your competitors. One way, that is not as common as it should be, is to […]

What Can You Learn from Driver Turnover?

driver turnover graphic image

Listen to the article: In the end driver recruiting is a numbers game. You need to find the right drivers to fill your empty trucks and get them on the road. The more trucks you have sitting idle, the more money you stand to lose. On the face of it, it wouldn’t seem like getting […]

What’s Your Recruiting Win?

What's Your Driver Recruiting Win_

Listen to the article: Over the years Randall-Reilly has worked with countless fleets in the never-ending struggle to find drivers. Unfortunately, one common thing that most fleets tend to focus on when it comes to recruiting is cost. I know it’s hard to focus on anything other than cost, but you have to try. After […]

Start Your Recruiting Year Off Right


Listen to the article: It happened. Another year is gone. 2018 we barely knew ye. Now that the new year is here it’s time to shake off the holidays and get back to work. And if you’re in the market for new drivers, which if you’re a fleet you are, January could be one of […]

Stop Letting Your Leads Grow Cold

Stop Wasting Leads

Leads, leads, leads! When it comes to driver recruiting that seems like all anyone ever wants to talk about. How many leads can I get? How much will it cost me? And to be fair those are good questions to ask, but they’re not the only questions you should be asking. For instance, are those […]

Do You Know Why Your Campaign is REALLY Failing?

Why is Your Campaign Failing?

Everyone knows campaign tracking is important. But when it comes down to it, most fleets are only using tracking to try and save money instead of figuring out why their campaigns are failing. If your campaign is floundering, do you know why? Do you try to find out or do you just pull the plug […]

Why Aren’t You Reaching Your Recruiting Goals?

Why Aren't You Reaching Your Recruiting Goals?

Nothing is more frustrating than putting time, effort, and money into your recruiting and still falling well short of your goals. Unfortunately, this is a feeling that many trucking fleets know all to well. Fleets want drivers. They need drivers. You need drivers. And there are drivers out there. So, why are so many finding […]

How to Stay on Top of the Shrinking Driver Pool

Drivers Wanted ad

This year, a concern has been raised in the driver recruiting world and it’s bringing up very specific questions, many of which we’ve heard from our clients. Why is cost-per-hire going up? Why is cost-per-lead more? Why is the number of hires going down though there’s been no change in yearly/monthly budget? It would be […]

Is Data the Missing Piece of Your Recruiting Strategy?

Understanding Lead Velocity

Being able to effectively gather, analyze, and use data is a crucial part of operating a successful recruiting campaign. Raw numbers tell you part of the story, but to truly achieve maximum potential with any campaign it’s necessary to dig deeper into the plethora of data available. No matter how you go about analyzing this […]