Flipping the Recruiting Funnel – Introduction

We’ve talked about the similarities between marketing and recruiting truck drivers a few times here. The articles, 3 Ways to Improve Your Recruiting with Marketing Principles and Content Marketing is the Secret Weapon for Effective Recruiting, are two such articles that delve into how taking basic marketing strategies and applying them to your recruiting can […]
Why Isn’t Your Recruiting Landing Page Generating More Conversions?

Landing pages have come to serve a vital role in the digital age of driver recruiting. The whole purpose of landing pages is to help drive leads and conversions. In a perfect world, a prospective driver finds their way to your landing page (whether through search ads, social media, etc.) and once there, they’re presented […]
Six Ways to Make the Most of Recruiting Phone Calls

Benjamin Franklin once said “Time is money.” He would’ve made a great driver recruiter with that mindset (if all that being a scientist, statesman, printer, politician, postmaster, author, inventor, and diplomat stuff didn’t work out.) Much of recruiting is about efficiency, and time. As in, how do you make the most of it? How do […]
5 Savvy Ways to Recruit Diesel Techs

In her 1996 hit single, Paula Cole wondered ‘where have all the cowboys gone?’ Not to diminish the importance of cowboys, or their whereabouts, but a more pertinent question today is: Where have all the diesel techs gone? There’s no denying the diesel tech shortage is a real and urgent thing. Not enough young folks […]
4 Basic SEO Questions for Driver Recruiters

Understanding how truck drivers apply for jobs is an important part of driver recruiting. It’s key to understanding this niche audience within the trucking industry. From there, recruiters can build and optimize the right campaigns to generate quality truck driver leads. Research shows that internet search is the most common tool used by company drivers […]
Driver Recruiting 101: The Key to Timely Recruiting

In driver recruiting, timeliness is everything. It’s the difference between a driver recruiter getting the new hires they need to get trucks back on the road, and increasing their cost-per-hire exponentially. As a driver recruiter, you need to reach the right driver with the right message at the right time. If you can do that, […]