Digging Deeper into Driver Recruiting with Dave | “Ad Creative: What Really Works?”

Ad creative is a vital part to the success of your driver recruiting campaigns. With so many options out there it can become confusing to know just what to do. Today Dave welcomes, Kim Walker, Randall-Reilly’s Director of Digital Marketing. She shares her vast knowledge and goes over some of the biggest mistakes she sees, and reveals the 2.5 “v’s” of digital marketing. What exactly does that mean? Watch to find out!
Facebook and Your Truck Driver Recruiting Strategy

With veteran drivers retiring and the industry continuing to grow, fleets need drivers now more than ever. Which means drivers are in extremely high demand. Where are these drivers? Like everyone else, they’re on Facebook.
3 Ways to Build a More Efficient Truck Driver Recruiting Budget

We often talk about ways to improve your recruiting campaigns or how to get the most out of your campaign spend. One thing that tends to get less attention is the overall spend itself. Your recruiting budget.Over the years, we’ve come to find that if your driver recruiting budget is falling short and you aren’t […]
Defining the Right Driver

Listen to the article: [acf field=”embed_code”] Efficient recruiting starts with finding the right drivers for your fleet. That seems like an obvious statement. But if it really is, why do some fleets fall short in that area? Why do they end up with bad leads or have qualified leads slip through their fingers? The issue […]
Tackling the Complexities of Paid Search Advertising

These days, the power of paid search advertising (also known as pay-per-click) is no secret. According to a Forrester Research company known as Jupiter Research, 81% of users find their desired destination through a search engine. So there’s no doubt about the wide usage of search engines. What may not be widely known is the […]
Flipping the Recruiting Funnel – Target Phase

With this, the final installment of our flipping the recruiting funnel series we end at the beginning. The target phase. If you’re not up to speed, you can check back on our articles covering the recruiting funnel and average lifetime value, as well as the convert, engage, and connect phases. But this week is all […]
Flipping the Recruiting Funnel – Connect Phase

Welcome back to the flipping the recruiting funnel series. This week we will be taking a closer look at the connect phase. If you’re new to the series and want to catch up on anything you’ve missed you can refer back to the previous articles covering the recruiting funnel, average lifetime value, convert, and engage […]
Flipping the Recruiting Funnel – Engage Phase

We’ve been discussing the idea of approaching your recruiting in a different manner the past several weeks. We’ve already covered the basic idea of flipping the recruiting funnel and the concept of average lifetime value. Last week we began covering the funnel itself with the convert phase. This week we move on to the engage […]
Flipping the Recruiting Funnel – Convert Phase

Welcome back to our ongoing series covering the recruiting funnel. The purpose of these articles is to try and help you gain a new perspective on how you approach and think about your driver recruiting. Flipping the funnel and beginning at the end will help you identify and keep your goals in mind. We’ve already […]
Flipping the Recruiting Funnel – Average Lifetime Value

In the introduction to this recruiting funnel series, I briefly touched on what the marketing/sales funnel is and how it relates to your recruiting. As we move forward I will cover one step of the recruiting funnel in each installment of this series, covering common mistakes made in these stages as well as pointing out […]