What’s Your Recruiting Win?

Listen to the article: [acf field=”embed_code”] Over the years Randall-Reilly has worked with countless fleets in the never-ending struggle to find drivers. Unfortunately, one common thing that most fleets tend to focus on when it comes to recruiting is cost. I know it’s hard to focus on anything other than cost, but you have to […]
16 Common Mistakes That Stifle Your Recruiting (Part 2 of 2)

When focused on the whirlwind of trying to hire drivers, it can be tough to pinpoint the mistakes that are getting in the way of your recruiting process. In our last article, we looked at eight of the common mistakes that stifle recruiting. We would like to outline eight more to help you identify which […]
16 Common Mistakes That Stifle Your Recruiting (Part 1 of 2)

In the current world of recruiting, competition is high. You and your competitors are fishing for the same truck drivers in the same shrinking pool of drivers searching for jobs. It takes highly effective recruiting to get ahead of your competition. The issue is that a fundamental step in creating an effective recruiting process is […]
Which truck driver recruiting lead do you really need?

On the list of major concerns for fleets, trucker driver availability dominates. Current trend lines for tractor-trailer drivers needed and supplied show a potential shortfall of 239,000 drivers by 2022. And on average, 96,178 new drivers are needed to sustain industry growth. All of this is working against driver recruiting and retention, with turnover rates […]