Can a Driver Manager Help This Driver? | Listening In with Seth

This time Seth listens in on a call between a driver having an issue with a pick-up and a driver manager. Why? Recruiting does not stop after the driver is hired!
Listening in with Seth | What We Can Learn from 20,000 Phone Calls

For today’s episode we thought one phone call just wasn’t enough. So, instead of focusing on one phone call, Seth covers 20,000! Using data collected over the course of weeks Seth breaks down what we can learn from 20,000 phone calls on today’s special episode. A full download of the information is available below. Enjoy!
Listening in with Seth | From Canada with Love

Today Seth listens to a call from a recently retired driver who has decided to get back out on the road. Our driver has plenty of experience and knows exactly what he wants. How will the recruiter handle it? Will our veteran driver be satisfied with the provided answers? Find out that and more on today’s episode of Listening In, “From Canada with Love.”
Listening in with Seth | The Perfect Call – Part 5

Using what we’ve learned and heard from other real calls, we have put together today’s call as an example of how you and your team can have the “perfect” driver recruiting call.
Listening in with Seth | The Perfect Call – Part 4

So far in our “Building the Perfect Call Series”, Seth has covered the impactful introduction, the discovery, and the alignment phases of a driver recruiting call. The fourth and final part of any successful recruiting call is what Seth tackles today: Inspiring action. [box] Miss an Episode and Need to Catch Up? The three previous […]
Listening in with Seth | The Perfect Call – Part 3

Your recruiters need to have meaningful conversations with prospects to get the qualified drivers you need. While no recruiting call is the same, pretty much every call can be broken down into a few key elements: the introduction, the discovery, alignment, and a call to action. Over the past few episodes, Seth has covered the […]
Listening in with Seth | The Perfect Call – Part 2

Join us as Seth continues his quest to show you exactly what it takes to build the perfect driver recruiting call. He has broken the typical recruiting call down into four segments: impactful introduction, discovery, alignment, and call to action.We will cover a different section in a separate episode over the next few installments of […]
Listening in with Seth | The Perfect Call – Part 1

Seth is back to listen in on some more recruiting calls … but with a twist. Based on feedback from all of you, over the next several episodes Seth is going to share with you exactly what it takes to build the perfect driver recruiting phone call. He’s broken the typical recruiting phone call down […]
Listening in with Seth – Episode 5

Seth is back with a new call, new insights, and new takeaways on an all-new Listening In. This time a driver calls to inquire about an application, but won’t be available for a few weeks. The recruiter is … let’s just say not entirely enthused by this idea. Watch the video to see how the […]
Listening in with Seth – Episode 4

Our man Seth is back in the hot seat and listening to another driver recruiting call. This month’s call features a driver calling in to ask a fleet about their lease-to-purchase options. Straight forward enough right? The only snag is he already owns his truck. So, how does the recruiter handle this and, what happens with the rest of the call? Watch the full video to find out.