Listening in with Seth – Episode 3

What happens when a driver only interested in driving flatbed calls a carrier who doesn’t run flatbed? Watch the episode and find out! Seth is back to listen in on another recruiting call and give his thoughts on the strengths and weaknesses. What are the big takeaways? Click that play button and see for yourself!
Understanding Lead Velocity is Crucial

[acf field=”embed_code”] What is Lead Velocity Again? Lead velocity is just a fancy way of saying how long it takes your fleet to take a prospective driver from form submission to orientation. On average our clients see a 33 day lead velocity. Digging into the data we find that almost without exception the hires for […]
How Has the Coronavirus Changed Driver Recruiting?

[acf field=”embed_code_2″] [acf field=”embed_code”] The outbreak of coronavirus has impacted almost every aspect of our lives. It seems no business or industry has been left untouched. Driver recruiting is no exception. For this week’s Randall-Reilly Review I sat down to talk with Randall-Reilly’s VP of Trucking Operations, Scott Maldonado. Scott works with fleets all over […]
Stop Letting Your Driver Leads Go Cold

If you fail to convert your leads into hires, you are never going to be able to reach your recruiting goals. If you are struggling to get the hires you are after are you falling short because you have a lack of leads, or are you failing to convert leads you’ve already generated? Stop letting […]
Why Are Your Truck Driver Recruiters Failing?

Listen to the article: [acf field=”embed_code”] There are many factors that can end up influencing your driver recruiting. We’ve covered several of them in the past few weeks. From building an efficient driver recruiting budget, to creating a driver-centric company culture, to figuring out what is really driving your cost-per-hire up; they’re all important, but […]
What is the Right Number of Recruiters for Your Fleet?

What is the right number of driver recruiters? Is there such a thing? Fleets struggle everyday with this question. We all know that the truckers themselves are the lifeblood of the trucking and freight industry, but without recruiters…how do you get those drivers? Driver recruiters are a vital part of the equation. No fleet wants […]