White House Creates Zero-Emissions Freight Sector | 30 Day Reset

The Zero-Emission Freight Sector

It appears as though truck drivers were waiting until the start of the new year to begin looking for new jobs in earnest. There was a major spike in search activity through the first half of January. The increase in search activity is more than a 30% MoM increase, and is on pace to reach the fourth highest level on record!

Bright Spot in Freight Recession?!

April 2024 30 Day Reset

On the April 2024 edition of the 30 Day Reset we’ll cover all the latest driver recruiting and freight data, check in with Jason Miller for his economic update, and discuss a few of the latest industry news stories.

The 4 Principles of Talent Acquisition | Digging Deeper

Dave and his guests talk principles of talent acquisition

On today’s Digging Deeper we discuss our four principles and how you can apply them to your team’s talent acquisition process. In addition to learning about the four principles, you can put your approach to the test with our Talent Acquisition Systems Analysis Tool (TASAT).

Excess Capacity Due to Record Profits | 30 Day Reset

Discussing Recruiting and Freight Data

It appears as though truck drivers were waiting until the start of the new year to begin looking for new jobs in earnest. There was a major spike in search activity through the first half of January. The increase in search activity is more than a 30% MoM increase, and is on pace to reach the fourth highest level on record!

January Driver Search Activity Hits 4th Highest Level on Record | 30 Day Reset

Search Activity Spikes

It appears as though truck drivers were waiting until the start of the new year to begin looking for new jobs in earnest. There was a major spike in search activity through the first half of January. The increase in search activity is more than a 30% MoM increase, and is on pace to reach the fourth highest level on record!

The A-Park-olypse is Here

Trucking has a major parking problem

According to the 2023 Truck Parking Shortage Survey conducted by CloudTrucks, up to 56% of the general public is completely unaware there even is a parking shortage.

Seth’s Christmas (Driver) Shopping Tips | Listening In

Listening In - December 2023

Seth gives out his top 5 holiday shopping tips. But he’s not talking about shopping for presents – he’s talking about shopping as it relates to drivers. As we approach the Christmas holiday season there are typically a lot of drivers exploring their options and looking for fleets to potentially join in the new year.